6| Moldy Breakfast Pudding

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I woke up to something heavy landing on the mattress beside me, breaking me from my peaceful sleep. 

"Rise and shine!" Izzie screeched in my ear.

I covered my face with a pillow and blindly swatted her away, "you bitch."

Everyone knows I have two rules:

1. Never interrupt my sleep, except if the house is on fire. Depending on how many hours I got that night, maybe not even then.

2. Never break rule #1.

Izzie was lucky I wasn't breaking any part of her.

I'm not a particularly pleasant person in the morning. 

I heard her let out a laugh as she jumped on me again, her knee digging into my side. "I wasn't sure if you were going to get out of bed this early, I thought you could use a wake-up call to brighten your spirits."

"I wasn't going to get out of bed this early." I pointed out trying to give her a hint to leave, but she was clueless as she bounced up and down on the bed. Morning people. "And my spirits were already brightened. I dreamt I was vacationing at a resort with Dylan O'Brien before we were rudely interrupted." I complained, hitting her with the pillow that was hiding my face.

"Oh, I'm sorry," she apologized. 

She didn't sound sorry.

It took a couple seconds for my eyes to adjust to the light, I blinked a few times and looked up at Izzie now standing over me on my bed. I was hoping when I opened my eyes she would be gone.

She threw her hands up in the air, "We've got a busy day ahead of us! And Tosh made breakfast."

"Do I have to eat it?" I whined as she jumped off the bed and walked out the door, probably expecting me to follow her.

The floor was cold on my feet as I hopped out of the covers. I walked out of my room and down the stairs, too lazy to change out of my sleep shorts and t-shirt.

I could hear shuffling and dishes clanging in the kitchen. A bit of smoke clouded the air...

"Get it while it's hot!" I heard Tosh yell.

I crossed the living room and saw Tosh standing beside a gigantic silver pot, pouring something beige and goop-like onto Grayson's plate as I sat down beside him. He was trying his best to hide his distaste from Tosh, who looked at him excitedly as she stirred the pot in large circles.

"Go on, try it!" Tosh exclaimed, unintentionally holding up her ladle like weapon.

She would need to use that on me to get me to try this stuff.

Grayson took a small spoonful and raised the foreign substance to his lips, taking a bite. "It's.... salty." He pursed his lips and stared down at his plate. Tosh's expression faltered, "but good" he added.

Tosh tried to plop some on my plate, but I raised my hand to stop her. "I don't eat a lot in the mornings, but maybe next time." I took a deep breathe in and pretended to smell the pot, "It smells really good." I said, nodding my head and smiling encouragingly. 

It didn't. It was like someone left Greek yogurt out in the hot sun all day and then put it in the microwave for an hour.

Grayson nudged his elbow into my side.

"Ow!" I hissed. Tosh glanced back at me from behind the big pot on the stove, "I mean, Ah! You know what, I think I'll try some. It just looks so good."

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