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After a year

"I have a bad feeling about this." I repeated looking at Rick who was loading his gun.

"And that's why you're going to stay here." He said strapping the gun to his belt and looking at me.

"Please. You always let me tag along in the mission what happens now. Please don't go without me. I can stay in the car if you want." I begged.

He placed his hands on my shoulder and said, "It has to be done. Even if something happens to me untill I know it's not you then I'll be okay, sweetheart. You don't need to worry." He said.

I opened my mouth to protest when he pulled me into one of his rarest hugs and said, "You can hack the security cameras and see what's happening. I want you to go to the house and stay with them. You can come back in an hour and if I don't come back you can-"

I stopped him there. Furrowing my brows as I looked at him ans said, "Promise me you'll be back or else I won't go."

He sighed and said, "I promise I'll be back. Now go." He kissed my forehead as I turned and headed to my 'parents' home.


I know for a fact that there was something wrong, the way he stumbled into the house. I fought the shudder at the though of him being injured badly. I sneaked out of my house, and ran through the woods, as fast as I can.

"It's going to be okay, I'm just freaking out for nothing", I said to myself, trying to calm down.

I slammed opened the door and cried out loud when I saw the blood on the floor. I ran upstairs taking two steps at a time. I rushed to Rick, who was laying on the bed, I saw two bullet wounds. I stood up to clean and fix it, when his hand pulled me.

"Don't." He croaked as he tried to keep his eyes open. I can see just like the first time he was going to faint and was trying hard not to but I don't think this time he could make it back.

"Stay awake. I'll call the doctor and then everything will be fine." I sobbed.

"I don't have time." He said and I can see that he's straining to speak. "The box... I want you to look at it." He said.

"Let me take care of the wound, maybe if I can take the bullet out then you would..... Wouldn't..." Die. I could continue as the realisation hit me. I gripped his hands, holding his hands firmly hoping it would make him stay will me.

"I love you, my daughter. You are the daughter that every father would be proud to have and I hope one day you'll find the right perso-" he stopped as he started to cough blood. He smiled a little, recovering from his cough fit and said watching me "Maybe all you have to do is follow the North Star- like you always say, maybe it will lead you to your home just like it lead you to me." I know he's trying to make me feel better but nothing can make me feel better other than him. "I will always be with you my sweet daughter. I love you." He said as his eyes started drooping.

"I love you too, dad. Always."I said as the life left his eyes "Goodbye." I said closing his eyes as my heart broke at the mere look of pain in his chalky white face. I sat there yelling his name as if that would make him come back, sobbing and hugging his body.

I wiped the tears, moved away from his body. I need to do what he told, I took the box he had indicated. There was a lot of papers inside, and I slowly took the first paper. It was a instructions to what to do after he died. I would do anything for him. I went to my room and packed all my stuffs and took it to the woods in the back, then proceed to continue what the paper said, Clear all the evidence that you were here, Sang.

After clearing, I took his phone out and followed his next instruction, Text to the contact named 'Boss' and tell him that ''Somethings wrong can you head over to here fast."

I know they will find out that it's not him who sent the message in autopsy but if he wanted me to do it, then I'll do it.

I followed along with all the instructions like taking his credit card, placing things in right places, clearing records of me in his phone and in the camera, placing a box for someone on the bed. I didn't open the box because If he wanted me to he would have said so. Plus I don't know why but I hope he'll explain why he asked me to take his credit card in the other papers.

I moved all the things to my room and kept my things under the bed even though it's not safe. I climbed out if the window to the roof and sat there looking at Rick's house. After a long time, A car pulled up at his house and a man in suit walked towards the front door and after a few minutes an ambulance stopped outside his house and saw as they go in and come out with his body.

I climbed down to my room not able to see anymore. And that's when reality crashed and the realisation that Rick wouldn't be able to watch me grow up or be a part of my life anymore came to me.

The saddest moment is when the person, who gave you the most amazing memory becames a memory.

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