30. Drugs.

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I entered the art room and took a seat. Gabriel entered after a few minutes. I waited for him to say something anything but instead he kept quite. I got bored with drawing in silence.

So I opened my phone and checked on the camera, checking the guys to see if they were in any problem or that's what I said to myself.

As I need a distraction otherwise I would do something stupid to make Gabriel talk to me.

I frowned when I saw Greg walking into the girls bathroom. What the heck is he doing? I checked the time and there was still a few minutes left for the class to end.

I got up and excused myself to the bathroom. I felt Gabriel's gaze on me untill I got out of the class.

I quick walked to the bathroom and peeked in as I heard Greg's voice. "Where the fuck are you Jade?"

There was a pause and then "I don't think this would wait for long." He said as he stuffed something into his pocket and cut off the call. I sneaked up behind him as he was facing away from me.

"Sorry." I whispered and without giving him a chance to turn around I gave a strong blow to his head. He fell down on the floor, unconscious. I checked and sighed when he wasn't dead. I didn't want him to be dead, just unconscious.

I took the phone from his hand, and checked his pocket to see what he was referring to. It was a small clear plastic bag with some kind of powdered stuff. I pocketed it. Then quickly did my job of wiring him and got out of the bathroom, back to the art class.


"Trouble!" Gabriel groaned as he stopped just outside the courtyard. I turned to him with a raised eyebrow. " Why fuck are you not talking to me!"

I said, "I thought you didn't want to talk to me, or else you would have said something like usual."

He ran his hands through his hair as he no wonder thought about what I was saying. "You're not mad at us?" Gabriel asked looking at me with those gorgeous crystal blue eyes.

I linked my arms with his as I said, "I don't think I have it in me to be mad at you." I meant to say all of them but the smile on his face made me forget all about it.

We were half way to the guys when I heard shouting and yelling. I frowned as I turned to see two guys fighting and people were just standing around them not stopping them.

I took a step towards their direction when Gabriel pulled me back. I frowned at him as I tried to get out of his grip. He placed a hand on my cheeks, to get my attention. I looked up, to see him looking behind me.

I followed his gaze to North and Silas getting in the middle of the fight. A guy with long brown hair, nearly tall as Gabriel was clawing at North to get him to release him.

The lunch didn't go well, Kota, North, Silas, Victor said they had to do something and went to meet Owen in his office. Silas came in the middle of the Biology class with a slip and sat down behind me.

"Are you okay? What happened" I asked concerned as soon as he sat down.

"I am okay. The guy North was holding was taking some kind of drugs and then randomly decided to act like an asshole." He said shrugging. I can see the worry behind his eyes though.

"Do you know the name of this drug?" I asked, my hands automatically going to my skirt pocket, which had a small sachet I took from Greg.

"We're not sure yet." He said, his eyes slightly clouding but cleared it and smiled putting a hand on my head. "Just stay with us and we'll keep you safe, Aggle."

"Okay, superman." I grinned at him before turning back to the class.

It was in the middle of the class when I heard a crash. I looked up from my books to see a guy with light brown hair sprawled on the floor. He was laying so still that I thought he is dead.

The suddenly the guy on the floor started thrashing and wailing. Silas stood up from behind me as two guys, whom I had seen hanging out with the boy on the floor, quickly rushed towards him.

"What's wrong Jason?" A brown haired guy with square glassed asked kneeling next to the guy in the ground, Jason.

Jason kept thrashing and mumbling incoherent words. The two guys lifted the guy carried Jason out of the class. Silas sat back down and started cracking his knuckles.

I turned in my seat and took his hands in mine to stop his action. "It's okay." I said soothingly "Did you know him?"

"Yes, Jason's in the football team." He said looking at the door. "He never acts like this. I think it's the drugs." At the last part he looked at me though he doesn't look worried his eyes told a different story.

"You're worried." I said.

"At first it was just few people fainting in the bathrooms then the situation gradually increased and now..." He trailed off. " I am worried." He said looking me in the eye.

It hurts to see Silas admit his worries, he never does that and when he does it usually is serious, just how it is with the other like Luke being sad or Gabriel not using a single curse word in his sentence.

I intertwined our hands " don't worry. I'll find a way to stop it, all of it, I promise." I assured him.

He looked at me for a few seconds, and then nodded when he saw that what I said was the most truthful thing. I would do everything I could, if it meant it would make Silas happy not just him all the guys. I would do anything for them.

I took my phone and texted Phil.

Sang : Are you busy after school?
Dr. P : Yup, full schedule. Did you need something?
Sang : No. Just checking in.
Dr. P : In the middle of the class?

Before I could think of an excuse to that question he texted back.

Dr. P : Your new bike is infront of the church with keys in it.
Sang : Thank you.

I closed my phone and placed it on the table. I need to talk to someone. I ran my finger over the sachet in my pocket. I wanna know if it is the drug.

There's only one option. It would be easier since my next class is Japanese with Dr. Sean Green. I glanced at Silas, he was looking at something at his phone.

I opened the cctv of the school and after a few minutes of searching, I found what I was looking for. Mr. Owen Blackbourne.

He was wearing a black suit and typing something at his computer. Dr. Green was sitting on his other side with his legs on the table, looking at his phone.

Owen said something to which Dr. Sean rolled his eyes. Even though I can't hear them. I can understand that they were fighting, like how North and Luke does.

Dr. Sean threw his hands in the air, a little dramatically. Then put his legs down, glaring at Owen. Owen looked pleased and went back to his work.

Wait! Was all the argument just because Sean had his legs on the table? I couldn't help but be amused at how North and Owen are so alike at some things.

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