17. Icons.

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I sat up, startled and frantically looked around. I relaxed when I saw I was in my room and not in some broken down building, running away from Zombies.

I walked towards the bathroom, knowing too well, that I wouldn't be able to sleep. That's when a thought hit me. How did I get to my house? I opened the bathroom and looked at the reflection.

My face was covered in mud and the outfit was dirty too, like I had been rolling in the mud. My hair was tangled mess with leaves still stuck in it. And that brought a hazy memory of me walking through the wood, like a zombie half asleep and where I kept tripped down and falling face first into the ground.

I sighed as I started to detangle my hair and brush it. After a nearly, 30 minutes, I was done cleaning myself and was in my school outfit, which was black plaid skirt with light pink sweater as it is October and the weather was getting colder.


The day went by like an normal high school day. I walked to the bench with Gabriel where the guys where sitting. I plopped down in between Silas and North. I was tried from spending most of the time in the hospital and not getting sleep.

"Hey, you look tired." Kota said.

"That's because I do feel tried and sleepy." I replied as I placed my book bag in my lap and folded my hands above it, and leaned into Silas, and closing my eyes. 

"What did you do yesterday after school? Didn't you sleep" Silas asked as he wrapped an arm around me so I wouldn't fall down if I was going to sleep or so I think.

"I was in the hospital, until after midnight and I..." I trailed off as I remembered that I couldn't tell them about academy or about my nightmares.

The guys didn't ask other question as they might though I was asleep or that I didn't want to continue.

I heard them lower their voice, possibly to give me some sleep. I couldn't help but smile at that.

I was about to fall asleep, when my phone started to vibrate in my bag. I was startled but I took the phone out and saw I had a message from Phil.

Dr. P : Starfish.

I smiled but replied quickly, knowing there must be some reason for him to text me during school. I moved slightly away from Silas, but he still had his arms around me.

Sang : Lunch.

Dr. P : Have infos. Meet at the old church after school.

Sang : Okay.

His message was short and cryptic. I waited for a second and knew that he wasn't going to reply back. I was anxious and excited to his news, but tried pushing it down as I was still in school.

I closed the phone and kept it in my hands, as I looked up. The guys were talking to each other, but was throwing me not so subtle glances.

"Aren't you trying to get sleep?" Kota asked.

"No I'm not sleepy anymore, I'm just tired." I said shrugging.

"You probably should eat something." He said, handing me a share of everything they had, which made me smile slightly.

I ate the food, picking at the bandage on my hand. "Does it hurt?" North asked, looking at the bandage and then at my face.

I gave him a smile as I shook my head. No. "If it hurts, you should tell us or if we aren't there then you should text us. We could find a way, you know." Nathan said, nodding at my hand.

"She fucking doesn't have our fucking number." Gabriel said, chopping Nathan's head. Making them argue. Kota nodded his head, thinking.

"Victor, can help you with that." Kota said after a second looking at victor and then at me. 

"Sure, I'll put all out number in it." Victor said, I hesitated a little as my phone have information about academy and other stuff, but something in me told me that it would be okay, that I could trust them with my phone.

And that's what I did, I handed my phone to him. He pulled out a laptop and other surrounded him, blocking others view of him. I watched as he typed something in the laptop.

He was facing me, so I couldn't know what he was typing in. My thoughts itched for me to see what he was doing, but he would be showing me if I wanted to know.

I took a deep breath and waited. After a few minutes, victor closed his laptop, handing me my phone and explaining the different icons on my screen.

"This one is for me." He said pointing at a music icon, "this is Gabriel's, Nathan's and Kota's" showing the painting icon, some gym equipment icon and books icon, "And it's Luke's, North's and Sila's icons." Pointing to the cupcake, bike and a plumbing icon.

I looked at the icon and I opened Victor's icon, which had white, red and blue colour. "The red one is for emergency which will send you're location to the person you're calling, the blue one is a like a little less important call, which connects you to the person immediately cutting them off any call they are on."

I nodded, surprised and he continued, "the white one is like a ordinary call with messaging option." He looked at me after explaining to see if I got it right.

I stared at him, for a second before asking, "....and you made the app?" My voice showing the surprise I was feeling, while my face doesn't give away the suprises or excitement I was feeling, knowing the fact that he was interested in coding too.

He looked shocked at my question, I didn't care I wanted the answer to my question. " yes... Why?"

I shrugged and said motioning toward the icons, " I got it. Thank you."

He looked at me for a second wanting to ask more, then decided not to and said, " I have added our number to your contacts too. Sent out a hi and we'll have your number too."

I did what he asked, sending a 'hi' to them. My contacts only had three contacts before, it was Uncle, Phil and Derrick. That's when I noticed that all the contacts were guys and I didn't have any female contacts.

The thought didn't bother me much and I didn't dwell on it much either. The guys sent back some sort of reply, showing they got the message and saved my number.

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