27. The club.

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I walked into the room, my fingers pressing my lips into my teeth. Thinking. I was anxious, why does he need to go to a club. Is it another assignment?

"Hey, What's wrong?" Kota asked standing up. The other two guys followed his motion.

"I'm really sorry but I have to go." I said looking at each of them.

"Oh..." Victor trailed off, not knowing what to say he looked at other.

"It's okay. Are you going to your house?" He asked, I shuddered slightly at the mention of 'my' house. It didn't feel anything like home.

"Yes." I said. Not looking at them.

"We'll check in with you later." He said. But I can't let them do that, what if I'm going for a assignment and they call me in the middle of it.

"I'm meeting Dr.Phil within a few minutes after getting to my house." I said looking at the time.

"Oh?" I can heard the question in Kota's voice.

"I'm not sure why he need to
see me." I answered, They worry too much.

"Okay, then call us if something happens or if you need us." Kota said giving me a small hug. I sighed I didn't want to leave them but I wanted to go. I wish there was some way that I could take them with me to some assignment.

I shouldn't think that that's selfish. I nodded and hugged each guy and walked out when the guys, watched me through the window. I had to convince them that they don't need to walk me to my house which is on the opposite side of the road.

I got to the house through the garage door and slowly checked on my mother. I left her room when I saw her sleeping. I climbed the stairs and stopped at Marie's room. I had seen her in the school, but she never smiles or talk like how normal siblings do.

I haven't see her for days, minus the occasional glances of her at school. I knocked on her door and waited. No reply. I knocked again and when she didn't reply I got alarmed. I took my phone out, opening the guys contact and used the pin to open the door.

I sighed when I saw her sleeping, I couldn't see her face as she was covering her face with the blanket. I closed the room, putting my phone's back into my pocket. I wanted to talk to Marie but at the same time I didn't want to disturb her. I walked back to my room getting ready to go to a club?

I looked through my clothes for something that would be fit for a club and be modest at the same time. I combed my hair, grateful that Gabriel had washed it, my hair did look different, more voluminous.

I changed into a black skirt and matching black bandana cami top with knee length black boots as the skirt was a little too short. I was happy that I have accessories, even though it was nearly a year old.

I carefully walked out of the house, grateful when I didn't see Marie or my mom. I had put my leather jacket, which had my phone and fake ID walking to the old church. I didn't have to wait long for Phil.

"Hey." Phil said smiling as I climbed into the car, "Want these?" He asked pulling his hands out of the pocket showing me strawberries candies. I smiled as I took them.

"I know you're working on finding Villin, and I promise untill you ask I wouldn't give you any other assignment.' He said, the same gleam  in his eyes he had when he told me that north and Luke are uncle's nephews.

"Okay. What are we doing?" I asked cautiously as he drove through the highway.

"The guy you're going to help needs a distraction, you need to get him out of the club safely. I forgot his file as I was in a hurry. The guy's name's Owen Blackbourne. Team liaison of the Blackbourne Team." He said, not taking his eyes off the road. There's something off with the way "forgot" the file, but I ignored it.

Instead I focused on the name, Owen Blackbourne? It feels like I've heard this name before, I didn't think about it much either as I kept my mind on the task in hand for the rest of the ride.

"I got this. See you later." I said to Phil, getting out of the car. I've done this type of job before, with Rick even though he didn't like me do it.

It was more in my field than the first job. I waited for Phil to leave the parking lot before entering the club, showing my fake ID.

I walked into the club, slowly made my way to the bar. I was alert amd absorbed all the things happening around me. I sat down and ordered a diet coke.

I checked my boots and relaxed slightly as I felt the handle of my knife. I hope I wouldn't regret not bringing my guns. The music from the dance floor was very deafening. I looked around sipping my coke and searched for a guy fitting Phil's description.

I looked towards the billiards place, where a lot of men in suit was playing the billiards. There I spotted him, taking with two other guys.

The guy has pale skin with soft brown hair that is cut short and brushed back from his face. He has steel-grey eyes and angular bone structure like a model.

He wears black-rimmed glasses similar in style to Kota's. He was wearing a grey tailored suit. I watched Owen Blackbourne and the guys in black suit conversing for a few minutes.

I didn't want to interrupt, if he's still collecting information or doing his job. So I kept my distance, deciding to intervene only when needed.

"So is it like a boarding school?" A voice said from my right, capturing my attention away from my target.

"Did they tell anything else?" She asked, then there was a pause, for the person on the other end to answer.

"Oh." It's sounded confused but I can hear the hidden excited behind the words. Boarding school? That sounds familiar.

Isn't it what they say to the new recruits from the Academy. Rick and I had planned to attend their boot camp but I didn't get a chance since he left before that.

I took my phone and typed to Phil about what I was thinking.

Sang : Why didn't I have an official introduction with the academy? A boot camp.

Then I turned to the girl who was about as same age as me in a red and white striped off shoulder dress. She has the most beautiful hazel eyes with flecks of blue, gold and green and shoulder length wavy dark brown hair. She said her goodbye to someone on the phone and looked around, she smiled when she saw me staring at her.

"Are you new here?" I asked as I nodded my head to the dance floor.

She frowned as she said, "I actually work here." After a few seconds she asked fully focusing on her attention on me with a frown, "I haven't see you here before."

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