13. Lunch.

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"What? It's not a big deal." I said, they shook their heads as if they couldn't believe me.

The rest of the lunch hour was spent talking about everything and sharing the little food between the 8 of us. I really like talking with these guys, even though all I did was listen to them talk.

I figured out more about these amazing guys. Silas is the quiet one of the group. Gabriel has the colourful language and is the fashionist of the group. North is the overprotective, caveman type guy, while Luke is the funny and trickster one. Kota is like the nerdling of the group. Victor is the music guy. Nathan is like the muscle of the group.

The group was diverse and they clearly cared for each other, maybe like brothers. I smiled at them. I saw the same feeling in their eyes, the familiar one that I had when Rick used to talk to me about something he likes very much.

I walked with Luke and we dumped all the wrapper of the vending machine food that we ate as lunch. I turned and took a step when a big guy with broad shoulders, twice the size of his friend. He has red hair, freckles and pudgy cheeks, kneeled down infront of me.

"Will you marry me?" He asked. To say I'm shocked would've been an understatement.

"Huh?" I looked at Luke who was grinning ear to ear. I waited for a second to see if he was talking to someone else. When it was clear the question was directed to me, I said "No." My voice came out apologetic but I'm glad that it didn't sound like a question as I still wasn't sure if he asked me.

"It's okay, I'll try again." He said softly with a glint in his eyes as he turned and left with his friend. I frowned, was he joking? I stood there with a dumbfounded expression on my face.

I turned to Luke, who seeing my reaction burst out laughing and shaking his head as if he couldn't believe my expression. He linked his arm with mine and pulled me towards the table where other was sitting.

This time I sat between Silas and Victor, leaning slightly into Silas, our shoulders almost touching. I frowned, biting my lips this gotta be a dream, first nine Greek god looking men, now this? I shook my head and listened to what North was saying and that when I found they were taking about the incident with the unknown guy.

"What did you say to him?" North asked.

I scoffed, "I said no." I said, clearly what did he think about me. Did he think I would have said yes to someone I just met!

"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that." North said. I sighed, I'm reading into things to much and nodded.


I made my way to AP biology class with Silas, after the bell. Silas was silent the whole class, but I was able to feel his gaze occasionally on me, with him the silence was comfortable. He was walking me to the Japanese class, after biology even after my protest.

"See you later, Aggle (Angel)." He said, he was about to turn when I caught his hands and pulled it slightly, he looked at me as I said, "Angel?"

He looked shocked for a second, then shook his head and said, "Yes, Aggle."

I smiled slightly at him, I'm no angel. He laughed at my expression and walked away, making me stare at him for a few minutes. I entered the class and took a seat, I was back to thinking about a way to stop this Villin guy, that I jumped slightly when Victor sat down next to me.

"Sorry." He said.

"Don't be." I said waving it off. "So.... Do you know japanese?" I asked curiously.

"Not much." He said. I smiled at him, "can you say something in Japanese?" I asked curious to see what he would say.

" I love your smile." His smooth baritone voice said, making me blush tomato red.

"You know Japanese?" He asked surprised at my reaction, "not much." I repeated his words.

He was about to say something when the teacher who looked about 19 years old walked in. He is a head taller than me, with tapered shoulders and a trim body. He has sandy blond hair with gentle curls to the middle of his ears, and a kind heart-shaped face with dazzling light green eyes.

He introduced himself as Dr. Green, even though he looks a little too young to be doctor. His class was amazing and victor helped me with the reading as I didn't know the words only knew how to speak, which amazed dr Green. His class was fun, to say.

I packed my bags, and got up to leave when I accidentally hit my burned arm on the desk, I hissed at the pain, closing my eye and gritting my teeth. A tear seaped out through my closed eyes even though I tried to keep it all in.

A smooth hand, brush my cheek wiping the tear away. After a minute, when I pushed all my pain behind a mental wall, so my eyes wouldn't show any emotions. I opened my eyes to look at a concerned looking dr. Green and Victor. I gave them a small smile and got up as if nothing happened.

"Are you okay?" Dr. Green asked.

"Yes." I said adding a little confidence to my voice. They both shared a 'did you see that look' much similar to the one, Kota shared. Did they both know each other. " I'm okay." I said reassuring, my voice didn't break as it was the truth I am fine now.

"Do you take any medicine for that?" Dr. Green asked, which made me furrow my brows in confusion.

I shook my head and said, "it's just a burn there nothing we can do."

Dr. Green looked at me in disbelief after a few minute of arguing I decided to let him check my hand just so that he would let me go. He gasped when I took of the bandages, and saw victor typing somethings into his phone.

"oh god! Sang. How can you say your fine? Its a third degree burn in your hand."

I shrugged and said, "I told you we can do nothing about it."

"How did you get it?" Dr. Green asked.

"When I asked all she said was hot water." Victor piped in.

I narrowed my eyes at him, Dr.Green took my hands and started examining it, his scent of citrus, ginger and cedar filled me, standing this close I could see that he have a hazel ring closer to the pupil.

I turned away as I realized I was staring at him, taking my hands and rewrapping it in the bandage while Dr. Green protested. "I need to get to my class." I said taking my bag. Turning to Dr. Green I smiled and said, "thank you." With that I walked out of the class and speed walked to the changing rooms.

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