23. Class.

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I was eating breakfast along with Luke and North, trying not to choke on my food as I was laughing hard at North's and Luke's fight. It's like we knew each other for years just after spending the night with them.

I was so into their very animated fight about Luke eating chocolate, that I didn't hear Uncle and Phil enter.

I stopped my laughing as soon as the scent of baked goods (uncle's scent) along with strawberries drifted to me. I turned to look at them standing in the doorway looking at us.

"I'm suprised that it took you a lot of time to tell that we came in." Phil said walking towards me.

I rolled my eyes but smiled. Uncle patted my head and sat next to Luke, while Phil sat next to me.

"Did anything interesting happen?" Uncle asked looking at the boys. I smiled at his implications, he's crazy.

"Sang had nightmare." North said, I wipped my head and looked at him with my mouth open. He did not.

"And she stopped breathing." He continued looking directly at me. I frowned turned into a glare, I glared at him holding his gaze.

"What!?" Phil's voice sounded hurt and that made me break the eye contact and turn to him.

"It's noth-" I started,

"Don't you dare say tis nothing!" Phil said, then turned to North. "Explain."

I put my head in my hands as North told them about my nightmare, but he didn't tell them about all three of us sharing a bed.

"Why did you cry?" Phil asked confused, of course he would have to ask that. I looked up at him for second before picking my fork up and turning my gaze to the plate.

Maybe I could stuff my mouth with the food so that way I wouldn't have to talk but a look at Phil told me he would make me talk. I looked at the fork, suddenly interested in it.

"I thought... I thought it was someone else." I whispered.

I looked up when I didn't hear anything, I saw Phil's eye flash in worry for a minute then he said, "He's not coming back."

A knot formed in my stomach when he said that and instead of crying I focused on anger. I slammed my hands on the table making everyone except Phil flinch.

He knows better than to say that. I glared at with my best glare and stormed out of the kitchen. As I walked away, I heard Uncle talk.

"Was it about Rick?"

"Who's Rick?" Luke's voice heard.

I walked to the porch, not wanting to hear him explain how important Rick was to me and... And that he wouldn't come back.

I knew that it was true but I didn't want it to be. I sat in the porch, my anger slowly disappeared and left me with guilt for being rude.

He was stating the obvious, I shouldn't have done that. I stood up and walked in, head down. The house was silent except for the sound of forks.

"I'm sorry." I said, standing in the doorway and looking at the other. North had finished his breakfast and was washing the dishes.

"It's okay." Phil said, that made me feel even more bad for my behavior.

"We all forgive you." Uncle said, looking at North and Luke, who nodded in North's case, grunted.

"We have school remember?" Luke asked getting up from his seat.

"Have a good day." Phil said, with a smile.


I got out of North's jeep and walked towards the usual meeting spot. Kota, Nathan and Silas was already there talking.

They all gave us some kind of greetings when they saw us. I looked at Kota as he asked, "How do you feel?"

"I'm really okay." I said, not wanting to talk about it.

Silas frowned as he asked, "What happened?"

"She had a nightmare." Kota said, I sighed but was happy that he did explain that happiness left as he continued, "and she stopped breathing."

"Who stopped breathing?" I heard Gabriel's voice ask, I turned to see Victor and him walking towards us.

I groaned as I hid my face in my hands, really embarrassing. Kota, North and Luke explained to others about my nightmare.

"I'm fine." I said for the hundredth time slightly irritated. "We have classes. Meet you guys later." I said getting up.

North and Luke walked with me to my homeroom. While the other went to their class. I sat in my homeroom when I saw a raven haired girl hand out something in a packet to a guy.

The guy has broad shoulders, soft brown hair cut cleanly around his ears, blue-gray eyes. "Do you know them?" I asked to Luke who was talking to me.

"Them?" He asked as he looked at the guy and girl. "That's Rocky and the girl's Jade."

I nodded, I need to check them up. "Why do you ask?" Luke asked looking at my eyes, trying to find out what that was about.

I shrugged, I didn't say anything it would only increase their suspicious when my voice cracks at the obvious lie.

I turned away from them. I subtly changed the topic, and was relieved when he let it go. The rest of the class I noticed Rocky and Jade and who they were interacting with.

Phil did say that Villin used teenage guys since they are easy to 'dispose' Johnny's exact words. So Johnny supplies drug and such things, so who is doing it now?

I need to find it out. The rest of the classes, I took mental notes of what they were doing, with whom they spend a lot of time with.

At the end of my art class, I had a list of people who might know something.

Rocky, Jade, a guy with dark hair, big lips and a goatee and his name was Greg.

Then the friend of Rocky, Jay who apparently is Jade's brother he is tall and as broad as Silas, with a shaven head. He has thick dark brown brows, cold eyes, a broad jaw. and a wide scar on his left cheek.

A guy named Eric, with short curly brown hair that looks greasy, yellowed teeth and random pimples on his face. He usually hangs out with Greg and his friends.

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