40. Damsel in distress.

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It didn't take me more than 10 minutes to clear out the entire room and have the guys out of their bound.

Then I opened my mouth to tell them to get out when Luke whisper yelled, "It is you! The first time it was you who helped us!"

He was looking at the star dagger, I had collect wiped clean off the blood. I didn't answer that. I just said, "Get out of here. There's a window in the room on the north side, which you can use to get out from."

Then without another word i thrust the star daggers into Luke's hand and said, "Use it when necessary. Now get out."

They called me but I was already out of the door. I didn't have much time and I can't soory about them during my mission. I have like a billion questios to ask to them, but it can wait.

I entered the hallway that was filled with crates. The label on the crates  made me curious,  'Highly Dangerous. Explosives.' It read.

I broke a piece of wood that's covering the crate, maybe it would be helpful. Before I could fully open I heard sounds. I spun on my toes and pointed my gun at the direction.

I was relieved that i didn't pull the trigger as my guys stopped few feets before me.

"What the hell are you doing here? I said the room is on the North side." I whisper yelled as I pointed North direction.

"We're not leaving you." North said, folding his arms infront of his chest.

"Guys! Stop being a damsel in distress!" I said, just as i opened my mouth to continue, but the clicking of the door on the end interrupted me.

They can't find my guys! 'hide' i mouthed at them and grabbed the nearest guy with me as i ducked behind a stack of crates.

I waited for whoever came out to walk away but when nothing happened, i did a quick glance to see two guards standing outside the door, guarding it.

I let out a frustrated sigh. All my plans didn't help me with the problem I'm in right now. I can't let anyone hurt my guys. I need to get them out.

I felt a warm hand on my shoulder and i looked to see Sean looking at me with concern. I rubbed my eyes and said, "How did you guys even get here?"

A small blush spread on his cheek for a second as he answered, "we didn't expect to be kidnapped."

Vague. He's being vague. "You didn't have any weapons on you? What happened to your phone?"

"They took our phones and like I said first we didn't expect it." He said.

"What were you doing? Where were you?"

He rubbed his neck as he answered, "We were going to meet someone, in a... secluded place." At whatever emotion he saw in my face, he added," the  person is academy."

I could not for the life of me, understand it. They were in middle of nowhere with no weapons! "What the hell where you doing? Was it a mission." I asked, desperate, to understand before i start wrecking the whole place.

"We were...uh" he looked everywhere except me. I placed my hands on his face, making him look me in the eye.

"Please. I want to know. I can't help you if i don't know. I can't loose you guys." I said softly.

"We were talking to the Anderson team." He said with a sigh as if it was a burden he has been carrying.

"Anderson team?" I asked, i don't know them.

"We were taking about... About polygamy relationship." Then it clicked.

Why am I so dumb! The Anderson team. They are following polygamy relationship. Why would my guys want to talk about it?

"We can't loose you either, Sang." He said. They were taking about me, with all of them, in a polygamy relation.

I tried to push back the happiness and relief. It isn't normal. But i couldn't help the smile. They were thinking of a way to be with me!

I hugged Sean as tight as i can. I looked around the crates we were hidden in. Now, i need to find a way to get us all out alive and then we can maybe, maybe have a happily ever after.

That's when my eyes stopped at the half broken crate with 'explosives' written on it. Slowly a plan formed in my brain as i saw everything lay in front of me.

I chocked on a laugh with relief. Sean pulled me back with a frown. I didn't let him talk, i placed a hand on arm as i explained my plan to him.

Seans eye glittered at my plan. 'I'll distract them. Tell the others."

I slowly moved towards the opposite side of the room with window, staying in the shadows. When i was out of site of my guys, i stepped into the lights.

The guards saw me and I stood frozen like a deer caught in headlights. When they drew their guns, i stared to run in the south direction.

I saw the guards bark something into their radio device. I kept running. When i turned i was surprised to see half dozen guards following me.

I smirked as i took a quick left turn and hid behind a crate in the big living room type of room. The guards came rushing, guns out and as they walked passed me into the room.

I slowly got out of my hiding place and placed my plams on the guards mouth who was in the last, to stop him from screaming and then slot his throat.

I darted into the shadows as his body hit the ground with a thud. As the guards all turned their attention on the unmoving body, i took the chance to shut the door to the room.

The guards turned their flashlight on and pointed it at the space where i had been standing seconds ago. They shined their flashlight around, frantically searching for me.

I slowly picked the guards one by one. Enjoying the game. Taking one person at a time and then darting back to the shadow before the flashlight fall on the body.

The game came to an end and i hoped my guys did what i had asked them to. I slowly walked back to the room, Villin Kruger would be in.

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