5. Nathan.

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I smiled widely, as the person broke my coding and I know he will be alerting the academy too, but there was nothing in the video that could be used as my body was fully covered in black suit and was wearing a mask which covered my face and hair.

I waited for a minute and when the person tried to hack out the other videos I became interested as I tighted the security and send a message to the person "You can have the video if you break the code, little boy."

I smiled as the person replied back "Who are you?", I opened another tab quickly trying to find out the location from where the message came while I secured my location and replied to his message "You can call me S. I hope you are not trying to find my location"

I know he was asking absurd questions to stall time untill he could find the address, but of course he doesn't seem to know that he could not get my location because I am best at what I do.

I sent another reply to which I hoped he'll reply since I need only one more minute to figure his location. "I thought you guys were smarter than that."

To be honest, I don't even know if it's a guy or if it's guys. I'm just trying get him to talk back to me and it seemed like it worked when his message came back "And why would that be"

I smile as he falls for the trap. "Well, I thought you guys were academy!"

I smiled when there was no reply. I closed the communication as I found the location. I double secured everything and I sat in the dark thinking about the address. North Charleston where the rich people live. Maybe I should give them a visit, but Of course, I can't. The only disadvantage I don't have a way to get there.

I sighed and I headed home and hid the laptop, I saw a light in the room in the opposite house but ignored it as I laid in my bed, thinking about the academy people trying to find and I don't remember when I fell asleep.


Its been a week since that coding incident. I sat in the stool that mother had placed in the kitchen, wiping the blood oozing from my split lip that my mother gave me after I broke one of her favourite plate, in truth it was Marie who broke the plate and pushed the blame on to me. I didn't tell that to my mother as it would have only made her angrier. I walked back to my room after my father came home and saw me sitting and told me to go to my room.

I plopped on the bed ignoring the pain from the split lip. I've had so many punishment these days that pain became an inevitable part of my life and I learnt to hide it. I looked out of the window and stared at the darkness.

I stood up and sneaked out through the back door to the woods. I need a break- to find some peace, I need to feel the wind in my air and the feel of the ground below me. I kept walking in one of the trail that I hadn't followed yet. I stopped in my tracks when I heard a faint whimper. I stilled for a moment before deciding to walk towards the voice.

I stopped when I came to a small ditch that had a small plank over giving it a look of bridge. The other side of the ditch was a boy not far from my age with red/brown hair and peirceing blue eyes, before I could look any further I saw the black eye he had and the other wounds.

I rushed to his side where he layed slumped in the ground between the gate to the house. "Oh god! You're hurt." I stated looking at his injuries.

"Who are you?" He said and by the strain in his voice I understood he's in much pain than he's showing out.

Feeling stupid for not introducing before, I said, "My name is Sang Sorensen." I was about say, where I live, but I recoganisation flash in his eyes. I was about to ask about it when he tried to stand up and whimper in pain.

I helped him to stand up, as he said him name was Nathan. "Are your parents home?" I asked as I carried the guy who is doubled my weight and height. "Should I go call them out?"

"No. My dad's out of state." Is all he answered. I wanted to ask him about his mother, but didn't want to upset him if his mother is dead or anything else, it's not my business anyway.

I opened the sliding door and helped him into the couch. He groaned in pain as I went to his kitchen and found a packet of frozen peas and handed it to him.

"Are you comfortable here?" I asked. I looked at him and the memory of how I met Derrick first flashed into my mind. I shoved the thought to the back of my mind.

I didn't know what he saw in my eyes but answered my question honestly, "I'll probably need to get to my room and take a shower but I'll first need to take some rest."

"Okay. Get up." I said, motioning him to get up. When he didn't I gave him sharp look that said 'do it, now!' I saw suprise and confusion before he stood up and within seconds I walked him to his room supporting his weight on me.

He fell onto the mattress and groaned, "I'm not moving, it's comfortable."

"Do you have first aid kit somewhere?" I asked as he turned his head and mumbled ' in the bathroom'

I fished out the kit from the cabinet and walked back into the room, to only stop in my track as I saw his shirt and jeans removed and thrown on the floor while he was only wearing boxers. I blushed slightly when I realised that I've been staring.

I walked towards him thankful that he choose not to turn to look me. I sat on the edge of the bed as he turned and laid on his back. I cleaned his wounds, bandaged it and applied the Bruise cream on his body. I looked back to see him staring at me with an unknown expression.

I put the cream away and said, "All you have to do is rest and then take a hot bath maybe."

He sighed running his hands threw his hair, "I don't think I can't sleep."

"It's because of the pain, isn't it?" I asked clearly knowing what he was saying. I usually did too then Rick used to sing me a song that would make me fall asleep with in second. Nathan nodded to confirm my thoughts and looked at me as if he was expecting me to laugh at him.

He was surprised when he saw the understanding in my eyes. I smiled slightly and said, "I'm not sure if it will help, it usually does to me but I'll give it a go." I sigh and starting to sing the song.

Where the North wind meets the sea
There's a river full of memory
Sleep, my darling, safe and sound
For in this river, all is found
In her waters, deep and true
Lie the answers and a path for you
Dive down deep into her sound
But not too far or you'll be drowned

I sat next to him as I continue to sing, slowly running my hands through his soft red hair. I smiled as I saw his eyes drooping lightly, tears flowed down my eyes as I remembered Rick singing this song, Nathan had his same serious but caring blue eyes.

Yes, she will sing to those who'll hear
And in her song, all magic flows
But can you brave what you most fear?
Can you face what the river knows?
Where the North wind meets the sea
There's a mother full of memory
Come, my darling, homeward bound
When all is lost,

I smiled wiping my tears as I saw him completely sleeping and ended the song softly.

then all is found.

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