39. Deja vu.

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I watch as the guard stationed infront of the only entrance and exit - if you don't count the windows -nod to another guard as he passes by -doing circles around the warehouse.

I activate my portable camera jammer. The cameras in the warehouse is wireless and i figured it out when I tried to hack into it and couldn't.

Then I struck. I attached my silencer to the gun and shot him in the throat. He didn't even have a chance to blink and I was near him the second he hit the ground.

I pulled his body into the woods and quickly made my way back to the door, I don't have much time before the guard doing rounds comes back and notices the missing person.

I hurriedly hooked my tablet to the password code lock that looked so sophisticated compared to warehouse door and waiting for the software to analyse the password.

I tapped my foot, as I threw glances around. Then I heard the sound of footsteps. Hell! The process is 90% completed. I sucked in a breath and pointed my gun at the corner where the guard would show up.

With the element of surprise on my side, he didn't even see me as the bullet went right between his eyes.

Then I hid him in the woods too, and walked in after the door unlocked. I softly closed the door behind me and it clicked telling the lock is in place and that if i wanted to get out then I would have to use the password.

I knew this would happen and I looked around the warehouse, I already have a plan and if it works out just like I planned then the lock wouldn't be a problem.

The warehouse is covered in crates, marked as explosives. I sneaked behind one as I heard footsteps. He paused for a second and then started to walk again, with his back to me.

I did a quick analysis and saw noone around. Then I snucked behind him, matching his footsteps with mine and then quickly, I wraped one arm around his mouth and in the other, I had a dagger with which I slit his throat.

He fell dead against my chest and I dragged him behind a crate and started to walk forward, searching for my target.

I was nearly to the main room where the smuggling of gold will take place when I hear voices. I quickly darted behind a crate and watched as two guards come out of a room, speaking in hushed tones.

"He isn't happy..." I strained my ears to listen better.

"Those shitheads aren't listening... They're... 9 of them.... The gay one isn't..."

I frowned, who the hell are they talking about. Then I sneaked a peek at them and that's when I noticed that they were trays with dishes on them.

I waited for them to pass me and as they got closer the clearer I heard them.

" The foreign one would be a great assest."

"They all would be. I just don't understand why we can't just kill them."

"It's because boss, wants the girl and he's going to trap her."

"Yeah, but she isn't picking up the calls. Maybe we have the wrong people or she doesn't care much about anyone."

My frown on deepend at this. Why do I suddenly have this feeling they are talking about me? Maybe I'm just paranoid.

I stood up and tried to walk in the direction where villin will be but my body has other plans as I turned around and followed the two guards.

Like before I matched my pace with them and just as they stopped infront of a door I used the butt of the knives to take them both down. Somehow I managed to not make a sound and save the dishes.

Then I dragged the two behind another crate and opened the door with the trays in my hands. The room was filled with nearly 15 guards.

As I walked in slowly staying in the shadows, the guards didn't notice me or my arrival due to the booming sound of a familiar voice yelling.

I gulped as I looked at the centre where all 9 of my guys were tied back to back. Everything clicked in my brain as the conversation I overheard makes sense now.

Villin was tracing me just like I was tracking him. This revelation caused icy, endless rage to fill me making me see everything with brutal clarity.

Then I quietly placed the tray on the floor and stepped over them. I drew the star daggers from my utility belt.

As I looked up, steel grey eyes met mine. I drew the mask down so that he wouldn't think it's someone else and do something stupid. I have him a playful smirk I placed a finger on my lips and turned my attention to the guards around me. They are so dead now.

"You shouldn't have messed with what's mine." I drawled.

Everyone stiffened and even before they got a chance to move, I struck.

I threw my star dagger and watched as it hit its mark as the guards fell down to the floor as if they were nothing but rice stalks.

Then I drew my twin swords and unleashed
myself upon them.

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