28. Hope.

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"Candies." I said, deciding to check my luck.

I watched her face morph into confusion but a second later, her mouth dropped open and her eyes widened comically.

"Giraffe." She whispered. I gave her a small smile but other than that kept a emotionaless mask. She moved a little closer to me as looked around.

"You're a new recruit." I stated as I looked at her for a second before turning my gaze back to Owen and the guys who were still talking.

"That obvious?" She asked looking at her hands. I smiled sheepishly as I said, "No. I kind of overheard your phone conversation."

"Oh." She said nodding, and perking up a little. "I'm Hope."

"I'm Sang. It's nice to meet you" I said still looking at Owen, I didn't want to get distracted. I wanted to get him back to his family in one piece.

"Are you on an assignment?" She asked, I looked at her to see her looking at Owen and the guys.

"Kinda. You're good." I said giving her an impressed look, the first time Rick took me to an assignment, I took more than two hours to figure that out. She smiled, happy at my compliment.

I was about to ask her about her team when I saw one of the guys move away from the billiards table. My hands immediately went to my boots where my knife was hidden. I saw Hope getting alerted at my move.

The guy was now walking towards the bar where we both were sitting. I looked to see the only free seat were around us. I completed the diet coke. Time to put on the show.

I saw Hope looking at me in amusement at my dropping eyelids and sloppy smile. I acted drunk, still keeping an eye on Owen but mostly focusing on the guy coming towards us.

"Nah. He's not my type." I said with a shrug my words slurring slightly, as if continuing a imaginary conversation with Hope. She looked at me weirdly but went on with it.

"Then what's your type?" Hope asked acting bored, sipping her drink.

I watched the guy stop next to me, I looked at him for a few seconds, longer than it would be polite. I looked back at her as I said, "I'm more into guys with grey eyes." I whispered, when in reality I said it out loud, loud enough for the guy to hear.

He glanced at me and I giggled, and winked at him. The guy smirked and walked away with two drinks in his hands and I turned my gaze back to Owen's table. I saw Owen clenching his fist and I took that as a cue as I started to walk towards him.

"Wanna help?" I asked, turning back, remembering Hope was following me. She nodded enthusiastically. I took a step forward then stopped, I pulled my phone out and we exchanged phone numbers.

"I'll text when I can, Okay?" I asked tucking my phone into my jacket, while she nodded and I explained my plan to her.

I saw Owen look around the club and his eyes stopped at me, even though he had his emotionless mask intact, I can see suprise in those steel grey eyes.

I gave a small barely visible nod to Hope. As soon as I got near to Owen and the other guys, Hope bumped into me slightly and the drink I was carrying in my hands, spilt on his perfect grey suit.

"Oh! I'm so sorry." I said slightly slurring the words, giving an idea that I was drunk, I took a tissue and looked to Owen.

I wiped the tissue on his suit, acting to get the stain out. I got a little closer so that the others wouldn't be able to hear. He tried to shuffle back but I caught his tie and gave him a pointed look.

I can see that he was uncomfortable in the invasion of his private space. "Rose." I said my voice low and clear, nothing like what it had been a few seconds ago, as I clumsily wiped the tissue in his coat.

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