36. Revelation

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"We used to play the piano, it was the first instrument he taught me." I said softly as I  recalled the old memories, running my hands over the keys.

"We?" I heard North ask. I looked up to see the guys glaring at North for asking but I gave him a sad smile.

"Rick, Derrick and I." I said, my stone mask crumbling slightly at his name.

"Used to?" Kota asked, using this chance, to get information out of me. Knowing this will be the only time I'll be willing to answer their answers.

I nodded slowly and my eyes glazed with unshed tears as I said, "Yes, we used play together. That was before.... Before he...."

I can't say it, if I say it, it would be real, I know that it is real and I need to step aside from my denial. "Before he died." My voice came out soft and filled with emotion. My mask totally crumbled as a lone tear make its way out.

"He's dead. He's dead." I chanted as I pulled my legs up and curled into a ball, sobbing.

I felt arms around me and comforting words being spoken. I looked up to see, myself being engulfed in a group hug.

Owen was standing aside, his steel grey eyes was now molten silver. When he caught my eyes, something flashed in his eyes. He gave me a nod, conveying everything he need to say through it.

I broke the hug and wiped my tears. Looking at the guys, who were standing around me. "I know you have a lot of questions, I'm willing to answer it." I said looking at Owen.

Something in him, gave me strength. The guys were silent for a second then North asked,
"Are you okay?"

I smiled, "I am, now." I held the eye contact with north for a second showing him the truth. He grunted and suprised me by hugging me.

I blinked but hugged back my initial shock replaced by a soft smile. "I'm okay." I said patting his back.

He released a breath and went back to the wall where he was standing. I looked at the other encouraging to ask questions, I wanted to answer them now or else I wouldn't be able to open up.

Seeing it Owen asked, "How did he die Miss. Sorenson?"

"An assignment." I said frowning. "And I know who did it." The last part was more to myself.

"Will you tell us now, how you got the burns, pookie?" Dr. Sean asked. I saw all of them wanted to know the answer.

I was hesitant but answered, "My mother."

There was a silence, then all of them started to talk over one another at the same time. I flinched slightly at sudden noise.

"Will you explain us, Miss. Sorensen?" Owen asked after silencing the room with a cold look.

I hesitated for a moment then told them everything about my parents punishment and their hate to me and then I told them about Rick and how I came to know about the academy.

Leaving a few details about me tracking the Villin guy and the part where Rick took me to missions with him.

When I finished telling my story the guys emotions ranged from angry and sad.

"That's it." I said. My sobs and tears have stopped by the time I was finished telling them about me.

I looked around assessing their reaction. I was feeling light weighted, after talking about the things. I feel like my mind has been clustered and talking about it seemed to help.

"Thank you." I said, my voice expressing my gratitude.

"Why are you fucking thanking us, trouble?" Gabriel asked.

"It helped me, talking about the stuffs that I never talked to anyone about. Thank you for listening to my problems." A blushed rising up my neck, warming my face as I said it.

"We'll always be here for you, peanut." Nathan said as he hugged me, following him the others hugged to or more like smashed me in their arms.

"I..can't... Breathe." I gasped out and they broke the hug. A laugh broke out of me, It suprised me at how carefree and light-hearted my laugh sounded to my own ears. The guys joined in on my laughter too. I'm totally happy about the way today had turned into.

After that we talked a little and soon enough I feel asleep in Silas lap while we were watching a specific zombie movie recommend by Nathan. While the elder two had gone back, saying that they have academy work to do.


"Guys! Shh. She's sleeping." I heard a hushed voice say, kota.

"She's so fucking adorable. Like a fucking kitten." I heard Gabriel say.

I opened my eyes and suddenly closed it at the sudden assult of light. I groaned slightly as I brought my hands to my eyes, opening them slowly.

"Gabe, you woke her." I heard victor say.

I sat up and stretched with a yawn, then looked around Kota, Victor and Gabriel was in the room with me. I was in victor's room and when I looked at the clock on the table it said 11:36.

I frowned as I looked at the guys, "What are you doing in the middle of the night instead of sleeping?"

"I was trying to track someone. Sorry if we woke you up." Victor said with a quick glance at me, other than that his focus was on the laptop in front of him.

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