7. Fight.

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I took out Heartbreaker and Chaos. Scolding myself for diverting away from my plan, I aimed the guns and started firing, since the guns had silencer attached to it, it wasn't untill people started to get hurt that the room noticed my presence.

I saw everyone look at me in suprise and the academy people shook it off quickly. I couldn't see their faces since the room was dark, but thankfully I could make out their figure.

The academy people took the opportunity of the other thugs distracted by my presence. Soon everyone started fighting and my guns where out of bullets. Cursing myself, I shoved them back into thier holder.

I was about to leave the fight to the academy people when a guy wrapped his arms around my torso, locking me in, another guy came to me with a baseball bat. I shook my head as I jumped stamping the guy with the baseball bat on his nose with my heeled boots. Making him collapse on the ground.

I bended down to the floor between the guy who was holding me leg and wrapped my legs around his, making him loose his grip and fall down as I rolled over him and hit him with the baseball bat.

I took the baseball bat and twirled it in my hands as a guy tried to take it. I hit on his stomach making him crouch down in pain as I hit his back of the head with the bat. I turned to see a guy a guy within feets distance pointing a gun at me.

I heard someone gasp, ignoring it. I smiled, he fired the gun at the same time as I hitting the gun and thankful changing the bullets direction. I hit him again on his wrist, making the gun to fall down, then pushed the bat against his throat, and twirled the bat to my other hand and blocked his every attack, finally hitting his head making him fall down.

I was about to go after another guy when I remember my original plan so I turned to leave and continue my plan, when I saw a guy with dagger sneaking behind one of the academy men. I took out my fire dagger star and threw it straight at his heart, the guy fell with a thud. I saw the academy person turn to look at the dead guy and back to me, I turned and hurriedly left the room to continue my plan.

I need to find Johnny. I can only hope that he hadn't heard the gun shot and decided to hide. I was about to enter when I heard a voice, which made me stop in my tracks.

"Don't move."

Seriously?!?!! I slowly crept into the room, and saw three men holding guns towards three other people who was with guns pointing at them. I saw a guy in the middle had a full beard, and black hair and since the only light was from a bulb hanging over a table on the end, I couldn't see his full features, but knew it was Johnny from the picture I had seen.

The others had black hair, with slight stubble. The guy on the right had piercing and tattoo all over his body, and broad shoulders, making him appear scaring in the dim light. The left guy was leaner than the right one but looked stronger.

I looked at the academy men, whose back was turned to me. The guy in the centre looked like he was wearing a suit? The guy to his left had broad shoulders much like the guy with Johnny. The third guy was much like the guy on the centre but the third guy didn't have the aura of authority around him.

"We will leave if you answer our questions." A cold voice said. Are they buying time for the others to get the people out? Did these people hear the gun shot? I can't think any other reason why they are acting stupid, they are academy men's right?

I took thunder out of the boot, I was standing behind the boxes, so I peeked around the guys and saw Johnny standing in with a nasty expression.

I need to act quick. I took two more fire dagger stars since the gun didn't have silencer and I was out of bullet. I started calculating zooning out their voice. I was still contemplating whether I should reveal my identity or not when I saw Johnny and the left guy were taking something out of their pocket, when the academy people were talking to the third person. My eyes widened as I realised what's happening.

"Get down!" I yelled to the academy people and saw the startled look of everyone and I took the suprise and threw the star at the second guy who was having a grenade! The next things all happened in a flash as I watched as the star connected to his heart making him drop the grenade which luckily wasn't opened, the third guy seeing it aimed the gun at me, while the one of the academy guy shot him.

All of a sudden smoke started to fill the room, as I saw Johnny making his way to the door hurriedly. I threw the star at this leg which hit the nerve perfectly makings him cry out in pain. That's when I saw he had a cloth over his mouth.

"Cover your noses, and get out of the room!" I yelled over my shoulder to the guys. I was happy that I decided to wear a mask since it kept all the smoke away. They all yelled something at me but I was too busy running after Johnny.

I wasn't surprised when the place was all clear of guards, the academy probably took care of them. I ran towards the exit hoping he would be here, and was happy when I saw him trying to open the car I came in.

I sneaked behind him, using my knife thunder's butt, I hit his temple perfectly making him faint. I took out the zip ties from my belt and tied his legs and hands, as I was about to lift him up. The air shifted and smell of strawberries and candies filled my sense.

I held the blade tightly before turning swiftly pointing my knife at the man in the dark, probably on my right since I couldn't see him or her and my other hand went to the gun strapped in my belt even though it didn't have bullets.

"There's no need for weapons. I'm sure we can do this conversation without it." A male voice answered, with a slight hint of surprise as if I was the one who was trying to sneak up on him.

"Who are you." I asked my voice sounding colder and icer.

"I'm Phil Roberts." He answered and as if it's an after thought he added, "Candy."

I froze for a second before answering, "Guns." I heard him chuckle, and saw an old man step out of the shadow with white hair, thinning on top. He has blue eyes and age spots on the thinning skin over his cheekbones. I relaxed slightly but still kept my hands on my weapon.

"So you know about the academy. Huh, little bird." Phil said.

I didn't bother with a reply as I opened the car door and took the devices I used earlier, and blacked out all the devices around me. Then opened the trunk and dragged the unconscious man, all the while Phil following my every movement.

"So you're the bird that helped Derrick." He questioned or more like stated. I froze in the spot for a minute, before looking at the old man's face.

"We've been searching for you. Derrick had mentioned about your abilities in his letter, but seeing it directly. I had to say I'm impressed." I let go of my emotionless mask as soon as I heard about Derricks letter.

"What did he say?" I asked taking a step towards him. I need to know why he left me and took the mission alone. I need to know the real reason, not the vague one he had in his letter to me. Didn't he want me? Was he trying to leave me? What exactly was he doing!

I didn't move when Phil took a step towards me, his eyes softened, but I couldn't help but flinch when he put his hands at my shoulder. I looked away not in the mood to explain my flinch.

"I think we need to talk." Phil said all the playfulness gone from his voice which was filled with concern, care and seriousness.

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