22. Nightmares.

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They engulfed me in a group hug. I stayed like that, taking in their warmth for a few more minutes but pulled back.

"Sorry for waking you up." I said looking away.

"Are you okay?" North asked completely ignoring my question.

"I'm okay, it's just a nightmare." I said looking at them.

"You literally stopped breathing, baby and all you're saying is it's just a nightmare?!" North asked clearly upset about it.

I didn't say anything, it's common for me to have nightmare like this. It's not something I could stop, if I could I would have stopped it years ago.

"Has this happened before." North asked. Silence. I can't tell them!

"It's normal to have nightmares." I said, giving him a pointed look.

"No, I meant have you had the same dream before or something like this." He asked. I looked away, not answering.

I heard North growl slightly. I looked at him and saw that he was angry about something. He was about to say something when Luke interrupted.

"Kota wants to talk to you." He said putting the phone on speaker. I forget that they had called him. It was like Kota was the leader.

"Sang, are you okay now." He asked.

I took a deep breath and said, "Yes, I am. There's no-"

"What did you dream about?" Kota asked, interrupted me.

"About me drowning." I said keeping it all vague. They would be running away in the other direction when they knew about my messed up life.

"And what did you feel, why did you stop breathing?" He asked, staying calm nothing like want North was looking like now. North looked like he wanted to murder someone.

"I tried to breath but... Then the need to breath just vanished.... and...and it felt good." I said that's it, they are going to stop hanging out with me now.

I heard him a sharp breath, and there was a small pause before he started to tall again, "And this had happened before." He stated.

"Yes." My voice came out whispered. There was another intake of breath.

"How did you, wake up from that dream? Why didn't you try to wake up from this one?" He asked it felt like being interrogated by a doctor.

"I...I don't know. The last time, I was able to get up but this time it was... Was different." I said, looking at the phone and not meeting the others eyes.

"It's okay." He said, his voice smooth. "Luke take to the bathroom and make sure she brushes her teeth." Kota said, making blink in confusion.

Luke walked with me to the bathroom and stayed when I brushed my teeth. Brushing my teeth woke me up and alerted me telling that everything happened a few minutes ago was dream. I smiled a little at kota's thinking.

"We'll talk later." North said as he hang up the phone. They both were sitting in the bed while I was tucked in. I didn't want them to go. After having someone with me all day, now without anyone it felt lonely.

"Stay." I whispered as they switched the lights and were about to get up. They paused for a minute. "Please."

"Okay." Luke said, his voice gaining back the lightness. I moved a little to create space for them in the bed. There was another pause in their movement. The guys took each side, and I fell asleep, thankfully that I have someone with me.


I opened my eyes, and tried to get up, rubbing the sleep off my eyes. I frowned when I couldn't sit up.

I looked down and saw Luke's hand circled around my wait and me pressed up against his chest. Making me face a shirtless North. I stayed stilled not wanting to wake them up.

I slowly tried to remove Luke's hand but he tightened his grip around my wait, pulling me more into him and burying his face into my neck. I blinked, blushing bright red.

I looked at North and saw that he was controlling his smile. They're awake! I groaned as I asked, "Why didn't you guys wake me up?"

"Good morning to you too, cupcake." Luke said and I could feel his smile of my skin.

"You looked so peaceful when you were sleeping." North mumbled, his eyes open now.

I rolled my eyes, "Don't we have school?"

"We could stay like this for some more time." Luke said, hugging me tightly. Friends do this, right?

"Okay, them I'm going back to sleep." I said hoping they would stop me. I groaned when they did and tried sitting up again.

"We have school, we can't sleep all day!" I said turning slightly to Luke, who only grumbled. I looked at North who was watching me intensely.

"North!" I said, looking at him and then at Luke.

"If you want you tell him." He said with a small smile.

"Phil and Uncle will be back soon." I said and smiled when Luke's hand loosened around me.

"Thank you." I said as I sat up on my knees and looked at the guys, with a smile as I combed my hair out of the face. They smiled back. I stood up and took my bookbag and walked to the bathroom, leaving the guys behind.

I quickly took a shower and changed into brown skirt and black striped top with black boots, with my hair down. Then I walked down to the living room, dropped my bag in the sofa and walked into the kitchen, from where amazing smell of breakfast was coming from.

I saw North cooking eggs and bacon, he turned when he heard me coming into the kitchen. "Hey" he said with a smile, and I saw that he had already changed into his usual black outfit.

"Hey." I said as I sat on the counter, "Can I help?"

"No, I'm almost done." He said flipping the eggs. I smiled, and watched him cook.

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