24. Fighting.

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Gabriel and I walked in the less crowded hallway, heading to the courtyard where the others are.

I was super aware of what's happening around that I wasn't shocked when I spotted a camera in the school wall.

I frowned how had I never noticed it before? When we took a turn into another hallway, I searched and found another camera. So they have cameras in the school?

I stopped, checked my book bag. Gabriel stopped with me and asked, "What's wrong, trouble?"

"My phone's not in my bag." I said, which is completely truth as it is in my pocket.

"Did you fucking forget it in the shitty classroom." He said.

"I don't know, tell the others I'll be a bit late, okay?" I said taking a step back.

"Where the fuck are you going?" He asked catching my hands to stop my further movements.

"I am going to check the class amd see if my phone's there." I said, I was happy with my success. My voice didn't crack at all, it was all truth.

"I'll fucking come with you." He said taking a step towards me.

"You could inform the others and if I didn't make it within 10 minutes you can come look for me. It would be easier in that way." I said, with confidence.

He didn't reply, just looked at me and finally he nodded. "Will be right back." I said giving one of my best smiles.

I walked back towards the class and put a ten minute timer on my phone. I looked around the classroom, I spotted a camera in the class too. After a few seconds. I walked to the bathroom stall and took my phone out, starting to hack into the cctv camera.

It was different from how I hacked using my laptop and it took a few minutes for me to connect.

After a lot of typing, I was finally able to break in but since I was doing it on my phone, it kept loading.

The entire building had nearly 20 cameras, and hacking it all in 10 minutes was tough. I left the bathroom and walked to the courtyard when I had one minute left.

The cameras were loading due to poor connection and I closed and placed it in my bag as it would notify me if the process was completed.

I saw Gabriel put his phone away and sit back in relief, the others seem to relax when they saw me too. It's not like something could happen within ten minutes.

"Found your phone?" Nathan asked as I sat on next to him. I smiled as I said, "It was in my pocket."

He smiled back as he said, "Happens." We then turned to listen to the others about their day.

While talking, I kept an eye on our surroundings. I saw that most of the guys from my list sat with the football team.

"You guys are in the football team?" I asked North and Silas as they were talking about their 'stupid and useless practice' North's exact words.

"Yeah, the other players kind of doesn't like us." Silas said from my right.

I scrunched my nose, pulling my eyebrows down as I asked, "Why not?"

"Well..... we don't know, we're new and it might be the reason." He said with a shrug.

I left the topic at that. Hoping they wouldn't notice my new interest in other people.

After eating our lunch, we walked to our respective classes.

I was in the end of the Japanese class when I got a notification telling me that the second floor camera couldn't be accessed.

I controlled my urge to groan, now I have to retype all the program. Maybe it's the cameras fault. I made up a plan to check the second floor camera as soon as the class is over.

I walked out with victor as soon as the bell rang. We were half way across the hallway when the people stared coming out of their classroom, crowding the hallway.

I turned to Victor and said, "I'm going to the bathroom. You get to your next class. Okay?" I said.

I didn't want to wait as it would only make me late for my next class. He frowned but when I reassured him, he nodded and walked away.

I rushed to the second floor wanting to get it over with. I walked through the empty hallway, but froze in my step, my eyes widened and mouth dropped to the floor.

In the empty hallway was Eric and his friends standing over a slumped body of Nathan against the lockers. Anger bubbled in me, how dare they hurt my guys!

"Get the fuck away from him." I boomed, dropping my bag down on the floor and walking towards them, glaring. I was angry, no mad!

"What if we don't?" I heard one of the guys with brown curly hair and brown eyes asked, showing his yellow teeth.

"I'll make you." I snarled stopping a few feet away from them. I saw Nathan's looking at me with wide eyes.

Eric took a step toward me and I didn't move from my spot, I stood there glaring at him.

"No. Sang go away." Nathan said, and started to cough. My anger only increased as he spit blood.

"Shut up you-" I didn't allow him to complete the sentence or give time for him to move as I landed a blow on his face.

He glared at me, blood oozing from his lips. While one of the other guys came toward me with his hands raised like he was about to hit me.

I swung my legs, hitting his groin and making him fall down in pain. The other came after me and within seconds we were full on fighting, I was recieving and giving punches.

Eric swung his fist so fast that I didn't have time to block it. I braced for the effect, but his hand was blocked by another and I followed it to see Victor frowning at me.

With seconds, Victor and I fought back even when he told me to leave, I didn't move a single step. Eric and his friends m were all on the ground, groaning in pain.

My injuries didn't hurt much since I was trained and wasn't hurt much a slight pain in my lips was all that I could feel now, but I can tell they guys on the floor had a complete different scenario.

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