4. Moving.

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Its been a week since Rick's death and everytime I think about him, i remember the letter he had written for me which I opened it after his funeral from my room. I couldn't even bring myself to think about it without retreating into myself.

It took me two complete days to come out of my head and it was because of Marie, my sister who found me laying down in the bathroom otherwise I don't know what would have happen. Maybe I eventually would have died too.

I couldn't bring myself to attend his funeral mainly because Rick told me not to do so, but I've been visiting his grave everyday, talking about what happened at school or what my mother's next punishment was. Everyone's life was going normal as usual around me, when mine was being tangled.

And I spent hours sitting in the graveyard and talking to him. My mom's punishment had been becoming intolerable and I can't get out of the house until I'm 18.

Life's becoming a lot harder and everyday passing I can feel my hopes fading as I realised I don't have anyone or anything to look forward to. It's like the life before I met Rick, when I was invisible to everyone and everything and a nobody who no one cared about, but now it's hard to not want affection knowing the warmth and happiness it had.

I need to stop this, Rick wouldn't want me to be like this.

After 2 years later.

I need to wait for one more year and then I'll be out. I'm 17. I took a deep breath as I layed in the backseat of the car, and my family probably inside one of the rooms in the hotel we had stopped before we get to Sunnyvale Court, South Carolina.

Apparently they couldn't afford for someone like me. I didn't mind it. I layed in the seat thinking about yesterday when my dad told us to pack our stuff since we are moving. I am thankful for the move for one and only reason.

Derrick. He had used secret code in the letter which I only found out when I was devastated and went to his grave with the box containing the things he wanted me to have.

It was simple sentence telling me to continue my training, in skills he had taught me which he told me that it would help people like me and that he would be proud if he knows that something we knew would come to help for others.

I looked out of the car and when I was sure there was noone I took my phone from my bra - a safe place so that my family wouldn't find out.- and looked the screensaver. A smile curving my lips at the picture of Rick and me making faces at the camera.

It was something I found recently but should have found earlier. Finding it wasn't much difficult after I found the code that was in the letter. It was under a slab of lose piece of wood in the wardrobe that I found a small laptop, some weapons, his guitar, a chain -which he wore rarely but I know it was something of great value to him so it was to me too- and this phone. He obviously wanted me to do something, but I wasn't sure what.

I sat in the darkness, the only light which was coming from the phone, lighting my face as I opened the phone and sat there watching a video of Rick playing violin which made me smile automatically. He was really good at violin, even though he taught me I only know the basics.

I sighed thinking about the weapon and combat training I had planned to do after reaching Sunnyvale court tomorrow. It's going to be a long night.


I stood in my new bedroom, unpacking all my stuffs and relieved when I saw my room already had a bed so that I didn't have to waste my time fixing one up, not that I don't know how to its just takes a lot of time.

I sat in my bed looking around the room, which had s bay window, a bed, a stereo and a bookshelf. I looked out of the window which gave a view of the our driveway and the house opposite to the grey two storey house that I'm currently in. I wanted to see if I could climb to the roof like in the old house but decided to do it at night so the neighbours wouldn't freak out.

I walked downstairs as I decided to look around the house. I was making mental blueprint of the things, so if something happens I would be having the upper hand as it will be a familiar place. I smiled slightly if Rick was here he would say that 'you speak like a true academy memeber'.

I walked to the back door with an attached porch and my smile grew a little as I saw the woods situation just behind the house. I walked towards the woods, but stopped when I heard my name being called. I stilled for a second and turned back and ran towards my parents room when I heard my name being called again. So much for exploring.

I was given the task of cleaning the whole house and unpacking things which consumed my day. Atleast I could look towards night time. It's the one time that I could lay in my bed and do whatever I want without the fear of my family walking in on whatever I do like using the phone or laptop or wearing one of Rick's old t-shirt.

I stood in my bedroom listening to the sound of all things happening around me. I could hear my mother's snore and dad had gone to work and since its way past 9, I know Marie is sleeping too.

I took the laptop and made my way to the woods. After a few minutes I sat in the clearing, creating and securing some of the fake documents related to me. Rick had been doing it but since he's not here anymore, I had started doing it. Anyone who doesn't look closely wouldn't be able to find out that it's fake.

After that, I decided to play with the people who were trying to track me. Yes, I don't know who for sure but they were not being subtle about it. I had secured every single video and photos of me helping Rick in his assignments with firewalls after firewalls. I was just playing, and knowing that the other person would be able to break my coding but I guess he hadn't tried or couldn't break my code since its been two days so I decided to take down some security walls.

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