6. Plan.

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I slowly stood up from Nathan's bed and placed the first aid kit from where I took. Then I folded the clothes in the floor and went to his kitchen, grabbed a bottle of water and a packet of crackers and placed it on the table.

I was about to go home when i thought of writing a note. I took a piece of paper and wrote a note saying 'Get well soon.' with a smiley face and my name.

I kept it near the water and went out. I smiled as I closed the door of the fence and walked into the woods. I walked back home and laid down on my bed thinking about Rick.

I took out the laptop and hacked the academy files. I know Rick had told me not to do that but I need to know about the mission he went- Something in Nathan's eyes made me think about the reason for Rick's death, which I didn't know about. I opened his file and furrowed my brows in confusion when I saw the last mission he went, was labelled incomplete.

Did he not finish the mission? I searched some more and found that they had escaped from the other dog team. Rick died for nothing! I need to do something. I started searching on the guy called Villin Krueger.

I found that he is most wanted person in some states and his criminal record were vast. It seems like he did all the bad things he could form trafficking to killing. I need to bring him out of his hiding! An idea came to me as I started typing and searching, after ten minutes, I smiled as I got what I wanted.

His important sidekick, Johnny Dankworth, is currently waiting for his shipment that will be leaving Charleston tomorrow. I saw that academy had already planned to sent a team of 9 men to take care of the people and to take care of the shipment. I skipped the details of the team. I shuddered as I read the file, the shipment is supposed to be human girls and boys between 7-13 age.

I need to stop him. The plan is to leave the academy men to do their assignment and while they are busy doing it. I'll go grab this Johnny guy and when Villin knows that his shipment and guys are missing, I'm sure he'll come out of his hiding. I smiled slightly as I worked out the plan and created a back up plan and a back up, back up plan just in case.

I logged out without a trace that someone had hacked the files. They surely need better firewalls. Maybe I could help them if I get into academy. I was shocked at that sudden thought. I shook my heads sighing. I need rest, since tomorrow is a big day. I chuckled at my word choice and drifted to sleep.


I took one last look at my outfit which is assassin suit, my hair in a perfect bun along with mask that covera my face and shows only my eyes and fingerless gloves and black combat boots and a utility belt. I took out the weapon box and choose a glock G48 black gun with pink design- which Rick had named choas and my Kimber 1911 which is silver and black with its name 'Heartbreaker' written on it.

I looked at the other guns then decided that I would only need two guns, I loaded them and strapped them to my belt. Then I took my favourite twin daggers - Cosmo and Combat, and hid it in my combat boots. I then stuffed some fire dagger star into the utility belt. It's going to go as per the plan. I said to myself before grabbing the backpack and heading towards the woods.

I was surprised the outfit even fit me since it's been a year since I last wore it. I focused in the task in hand as I walked through the woods. I took my phone to see that it had arrived. I smiled as I came out of the woods to a old church that was near the highway.

I took out the device, that would make all the electronic device around me to black out, for a few minutes. I turned it on still staying in the shadows. After it turned on, I made a run to the black car that was parked near the highway.

I opened the drivers seat and placed my backpack in the passenger seat and I started the car with the key that was already in the ignition. Perks of internet. I made my way to the docks. I had ordered the car in the dark web for untill tomorrow morning. I had to drive it back to the place where it was, which wasn't a problem if things go as planned.

I need a fake driver's license too if I am going to drive. I sighed shaking my head and focusing on the road. After a few minutes, I reached the docks and saw two cars parked a little far. I rolled my eyes, the Academy dogs. Literally.

I parked the car a little away from the back exit, where I could see the guards but they couldn't see me. I took my laptop, and logged into the camera in the building. I looked and saw that the academy people were already in. The Johnny guy was in the room with a few other guys playing cards.

I closed the laptop as soon I found the guy I was looking for, even though I knew I should have looked properly. I got out and staying in the shadows and dashed to the door as soon as the guy's back was turned. After getting in, I saw guards walking around everywhere staying in the shadows, I walked towards the room where I saw Johnny, but froze when I heard sounds of guy. Can't the academy people be subtle about their mission.

I waited a few minutes, and sighed after the rational part of me won. I walked into the room from where the gun sound was heard. I saw 3 guys standing back to back fighting 9 guys

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