9. Coffee.

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After 20 minutes, I'm sitting in Phil's car dressed in pinafore pants overall with a cream full hand shirt underneath and white Converse shoes, hearing him talk about his hospital and about a specific blonde guy whose name he refused to say, saying it's only fair that the guy doesn't know my name.

My mind was in the conversation we had earlier about catching the Villin guy who was responsible for Rick's death, I was happy that he let me handle the case, but he said that I wouldn't be the only one who does too.

He had also got a little information from Johnny, saying that the high school Ashley Waters have some connections to Villin Kruger. I already had joined the school and had my schedule in the morning Post.

I need to spend time searching for treats and Villin's thugs who will be in the school like Johnny had said.

"What are you thinking about, little bird." Phil asked bringing me out of my thoughts.

"I will be needing fake driver's license and other documents, so I was thinking about how to get it before school opens. You know so I don't have to worry about those." It wasn't lie but it wasn't the truth either.

"I'll take care of it, since I'm your manager." Phil said. Yeah he's my manager it was one of the reason he had called me for a coffee. I was about to reply when I saw him pulling up.

"What's wrong?" I asked alerted looking around, but only found a car with two people bend down infront of the open hood.

"I don't know, let's ask." Was all he said before climbing out of the car. I groaned and got out too following him to the car.

While Dr. Phil talked to the two mens, I stood aside looking at the men, the first guy is half a head taller than me. He has long lean fingers and lean strong hands - I wonder if he can play an instrument- He has soft brown hair reaching to the nape of his neck in gentle waves, brushed back from his face. His face is angular, with intense brown eyes, which could be described as fire, and the scent coming from him is berry and moss.

The guy is at least a head and a half taller than the other guy, with broad shoulders and prominent but smooth musculature. He is so tall that I can barely rest my head on his chest. He has an olive complexion with deep black glossy hair and mid-length sideburns. His features are striking: deep brown, almost black, soulful eyes and thick dark eyebrows. He has thick lips and a firm squared jaw.

The first guy was dressed quite formally in slacks and white Armani button up with collars undone to reveal a silver neck chain with a round silver medallion with a symbol on it. While the other guy was wearing slacks and shirt. The second guy was wearing all black looking like he was the other person's bodyguard.

Two of them was giving me glances, as if they weren't sure if I wouldn't try to attack them. When no one made a step to address me, I slowly walked to the open hood as I understood that they were having car trouble.

I took one look and found the problem, ignoring the men, as I pushed my sleeves up as I started to work, it is one of the problems that people usually over look at. Thanks to Rick that now I know not to overlook things.

I didn't realise the men had stopped talking, I smiled as the car started. With a satisfied look, I walked back to where Phil was standing and that's when I realised that everyone was staring at me.

I smile dropped and I rubbed my neck, nervous. I probably looked like a idiot.

"Sorry." I muttered.

"For?" A smooth baritone voice asked coming from the guy with fire eyes.

"Well..." I said, I looked down as I blushed tomato.

Then I heard laughter, that's when I looked up. "You don't need to apologise." The huge guy said with a Greek accent.

"Yeah. Actually, Thank you. We didn't know how to fix it and I was running late for the concert." The fire eyed guy replied.

I simply nodded, and decided to tell them my name, "I'm Sang."

I watched as realisation came over their face, which was odd, I had never seen them, I had never met anyone, other than Nathan, so I chose to ignore it.

"I'm Victor. It's nice to meet you." The fire eyed guy said shaking my hands.

"I'm Silas, Aggle." The Greek guy said, making me blush Angel? I'm no angel.

"Well, I sorry to cut this introduction short but we have to be -" Victor's words were drowned by Vivaldi's Winter- my ringtone.

I took my phone out from my pocket, Uncle was calling. "It's okay, see you guys later." I said and attended the phone, moving away from them, but not before I notice Victor's fire eyes nearly blazing.

"Hey, little bird. I have a good news!" Uncle exclaimed, even though I just met him, he seems to act like he knew me for years.

I chuckled as I said, "Calm down, Uncle and tell me what's going on."

I turned towards the BMW when I heard it starting, I waved to them as they went.

"I'm going to buy the church! Well, I haven't seen its inside completely but to what I looked it is perfect, little bird." Uncle said his happiness literally vibrating towards me.

"That's great! When are you starting? Can I help? What will the diners name be? Surely I can help right, in the kitchen or in the counter? Oh! Or else I can c-" My rambling was interepted by uncle's loud laugh.

"Of course you can help, little bird. I'm not sure when it's going to open because my nephew said they need to check and see if it's good too, but I'll let you know what happens, I gotta go now but will call you soon, little bird." I smiled and said my goodbyes to each other and ended the call. Something about him brings me out of my shyness state towards new people.

"So, Ben's really going to open a diner?" Phil asked.

"Yup. That's what he said." I answered and the whole way back, I talked about uncle and his diner. Phil said goodbyes and left me infront of the church. I smiled as I can literally see this place as diner now thanks to uncle's imagination.

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