26. Cleaning up.

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I sighed as I took a cotton with peroxide and took Nathan's face in my other hand and pressed the cotton to the gash at his cheek.

He winced, pulling away. "You should have thought about the pain before getting into a fight." I said sternly taking his face in my hands again and applying the peroxide. His eyes dimmed slightly.

I saw that the action was hurting him and when he didn't show the pain, I felt bad. "I'm sorry. I'm just mad that you're hurt." I said, looking at his eyes.

"At me?" He asked.

"No!" I said, reeling my head back and furrowing my eyes "At the guys who hurted you. Both of you." I glanced at Victor who was getting cleaned up Kota.

"You're not mad at me?" He asked incredulously.

I nodded solemnly as I said, "I really think you had a good reason." I continue to clean his wounds.

I stopped applying the solution and looked at him as something clicked on my brain, "You were not fight back." It was a statement.

I saw Gabriel look up from his typing and Kota and Victor look at me. I clenched my fist and grounded my teeth loudly as I realised that he was being bullied, how did I not know that! I feel stupid.

Nathan put an uninjured hand in my arm as he said, "Hey, it's okay." As if he could hear my thoughts.

I just glared at the floor, the next time I see Eric and his friends, they're dead. I stopped glaring at the floor and looked at the other.

"Do this happen often? To all of you?" I asked seriously. They looked at each other and Victor replied, "It doesn't matter."

Hell! I closed my eyes and pressed my fingers to my temple, I should have know.

"What do you do?" I asked, I want to know if they just stand there and let the bullies bully them.

"We play smart, not strong, Sang. Atleast not untill the last moment." Kota said, giving me one of his looks.

I didn't say anything and I helped clean up. He returned the favour in silence. I didn't have much injury other than a cut on the side of my lips and a slight bruise on my stomach.

Kota went downstairs for getting us snacks and checking on his sister. I sat on the bed next to Gabriel, looking around.

Kota's phone rang from the table. "Who is it?" Victor asked to me as I was the nearest one to the table.

I took the phone from the table and read the name loudly. "It's Mr. Blackbourne?" I said looking at him, and showing him the phone.

Victor, Gabriel and Nathan exchanged glances or more like they communicated with their eyes and Victor took the phone. While Gabriel came to me and pulled me to the bathroom.

"Let's fucking wash your hair." He said, I knew that he was trying to give Victor some time to talk to this Mr. Blackbourne guy, so I went along with it.

Gabriel washed my hair and dried it and the whole time I was blushing scarlett at the intimate position. The shampoo he used had a the same spice scent of Kota. I kept taking deep breath, as the smell was incredible.

After washing my hair, we walked into the room and saw Kota sitting on the bed, typing in his phone. There were some sandwich in a tray on the desk.

We ate the sandwich, and spent the time doing our homework or studing for school in silence. I groaned, laying down on the floor. "I'm tried." I said.

I looked at the others who was studying. "Are you guys even humans?" They had been studying for hours without break.

"Of course, we are." Kota said, only looking away from the book for a second. I turned and lay on my stomach and supported my face with hands, with my legs crossed in the air. I looked at them all or some would say I was staring.

Victor looked up and smiled when he caught me staring at him. I smiled back and he went back to reading. I sighed and took my phone out and checked the school cctv camera.

I should get home and change it to my laptop. I sat up and walked to the window bench, I kneeled on one of the cushion as I stared at the grey house. The house looked cold, and devoid of happiness much like the people inside it. I shivered involuntary as o thought about my mother.

I looked at my almost healed hands, which had a light scar. I stared at my hands and then at the house. Ever minute I spend out of the house only makes me want to stay away more, the happiness and care I get outside the house is so addicting, making me come back.

I flinched, out of instinct when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked at the Victor, who had his hands on my shoulder and saw the others frown at my flinch.

"Are you okay?" He asked and glanced at the other.

"I'm fine." I said another thing that happened instinctly. I looked at the guys, and saw that they were about to say something when heard my phone ring.

I walked to my book bag on the floor and saw Phil calling me. I turned to the guys, "I need to take this.' I said motioning to my phone. Their frown deepened but nodded.

"Sugar." I heard Phil say.

"Laptop." I said, as I walked out of the room, closing the door behind me.

"Are you free?" He asked.

"I guess so." I said turning and looking at the now closed door where the guys are, biting my lips, the question told me that I would have to leave them for now.

"Great. Get dressed for going to a club and I'll meet you..." Phil trailed off.

"At the old church." I said nodding to myself, frowning at his words but not asking anything, letting him have the time to explain.

"Okay. I'll be there with fifteen minutes."

"Okay. So do I need to take my fake ID?" I asked.

"You have a fake ID?" He asked and not waiting for my answer he continued, "You'll need it, bring it along."

Then he hanged up. Dress for a club. I looked at the door, maybe I can ask Gabriel. I knew I can't do that though.

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