11. First day.

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I got down from the bus and slowly made my way to cafeteria. I saw a group of guys sitting in the entrance to the cafeteria and cat calling and showing number when each girls passes them.

I turned to go back to the hallway when I saw the hallway was now crowded, I looked down at my hand and back at the crowd. I sighed turning and waking into the cafeteria. I ignored all the looks, keeping a nonchalant expression on my face, when the guys at the table lifted up ten finger which gained a lot scowls from the girls and whistles form the guys.

I walked to the back, when I couldn't find a free table. I stood at the corner trying to calm my beating hearts, all these things are so overwhelming. My old school didn't have people like these!

I stayed that way looking out through the glass window to the courtyard. I turned when a scent of familiar leather and cypress along with some spice scent drifted to me. Nathan stood a few feets away from me with the guy green eyed boy from the opposite house.

"Hey, How are you." Nathan asked while eyeing my bandaged hands.

"I'm fine. The real question is how are you?" I asked a little concerned but other than that I kept my expression neutral. I looked at his face which is filled with makeup.

"I'm good. Thank you, though." He said sheepishly.

A small smile crept into my lips looking at his uneasiness. "It's nothing, anyone would do it. I'm suprised that you didn't come barging into my house, thinking I was a thief, when you wake up and found me gone."

His cheeks was now tainted with red. Oh god! He's so cute when he blushes. A laugh escaped my lips instead of being angry when I realised that he had indeed though that I was a thief. Nathan on the other hand, blushed furiously, guilt flashing in his eyes, which made me stop laughing.

"You don't have anything to be guilty about, and you're welcome." I said smiling.

He smiled at me and was about to say something when, the guy with glasses cleared his throat. I can see that he was uneasy, standing behind.

" I'm Sang." I said thrusting my hands infront of me. The guy took my hands and said, "I'm Dakota, everyone calls me Kota. Nice to meet you, Sang."

"Nice to meet you to Kota." I said smiling. What is happening? I don't usually smile this much. The bell rang indicating we need to get to our classes.

" See you later." I said to them both giving them a soft smile, and walking towards homeroom.

I found that Kota and I have AP English together. Nathan and I have AP Geometry together. Other than that I didn't have time to talk to them. I was walking to AP World history when victor joined me.

I smiled at him, "How did your thing go?" I asked.

"Usual." He said, I watched as the fire in his eyes dimmed down, which made me regret what I asked. He looked at my hands and frowned, "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Hot water." Was all I said, because I can't lie. I looked to see him waiting for me to explain. I need distractions.

"I have art class next, what do you have?" I asked hoping to deflate him. He gave me a look that literally said 'Im not letting that go'. He was about to say something when a guy bumped into me, hitting my injured hands.

I let out a hiss, caught off-guard. Letting the pain of the burn flash in my eyes. I stopped and stood there glaring daggers at the guy's back. I wanted to go teach him a lesson for bumping and not asking sorry. I was about to go after him when a hand on my shoulder made me stop I turned my glare to them.

I watched Victor flinch under my glare in instincts, which made me wonder about his life. I dropped the glare and looked at him apologetically and said, "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to."

"It's okay. Let's get to class." He said. I saw him typing something into his phone, but I ignored it, scolding myself for letting my emotions show.

I took my seat and Victor sat next to me, still typing something in his phone. "Victor, what happened?" A deep voice boomed causing me to startle and turn towards it.

The guy standing was really tall with wide shoulders, with tanned dark hair, brown eyes, thick brows, and a broad jaw. He can have coarse hair on his face from not shaving for a couple of days. He is wearing full black clothing of a black t-shirt and dark jeans. he wears a circular gold earring in his left earlobe as well as a cord around his neck holding a Japanese symbol pendant.

If I was reading it right, then it read 'brother'. I saw Victor turn to him and glanced at me. The dark guy took a seat behind me, and leaned over. Engulfing me in his light musk scent.

"Sang, this is North." Victor said. I gave north a slight nod.

''Like the star." I said, my voice came out low, dazed and soft and I couldn't help think about North Star that Rick and I loved to watch.

"I guess so." North's deep voice broke my thoughts as I realised that he heard me, a blush spread across my cheeks. I looked at him hoping to see him look at me like I'm a werido but the emotion I saw was something I couldn't understand and it only lasted for a fleeting second.

I turned towards the front as the teacher entered. I took a deep breath calming myself. Through the entire class I could feel North and victor's gaze on me or occasionally North would lean in making me breath in his light musk scent, which would make my heart skip a beat.

After class, I said bye to the both and entered the art class without any problem in the hallway. I sat at the back, staring at the canvas in front of me. I jumped when I heard the scrap of the stool next to me, making me pause my thoughts and look up.

The guy was about Victor's height, but slimmer in the hips. He has lean but defined biceps and thin fingers. His russet brown chin-length hair looked natural in the back, with dyed blonde streaks in the front, which he wears brushed back from his face. He has shaped eyebrows and crystal blue eyes, a slight nose and angular chin.

He was wearing a couple of rings on each hand, and studs in both ears, while his right ear also has three black earrings going along the tip. Interesting.

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