38. What's happening?

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I woke to an annoying soft buzz of my phone. I cracked open my eyes and came face to face with a cute sleeping Gabriel.

With a smile on my lips, I untangled myself from him and  walked to the bathroom. Leaving my phone on silent.

I need to wake up properly before checking whatever message I got. I have learnt my lesson not to make a decision when I'm tired or feeling sleepy.

After finishing up my business. I walked back to the room to find Gabriel missing. I snatched my phone from the table and walked out, searching other.

"Morning, sang." I smiled at kota as he handed me a cup of coffee.

"Thanks." I mumbled as I took a sip of the coffee, sighing.

The others Gabriel and Victor started an argument about Victor's outfits. I am contented to just watch the argument but i remembered the message i got and shifted my attention to my phone.

I opened it to see an notification about Villin Kruger. I sucked in a breath, as i went through the information. He is doing some kind of illegal smuggling of kinds at an old rundown warehouse.

What is it with people and their obsession with rundown warehouses in the middle of nowhere!

I pushed myself off the counter and walked back to Victor's room in search of my laptop. I need to make plans and check if the information is true.

"Sang?" I stopped in my tracks and raised an eyebrow at Gabriel. "Where are you going?"

My fingers floated to my lips as they pressed my lips into my teeth. Should I tell them or should I not?

I took a deep breath as i decided my answer. "I think i need to get back home." I said.

I stared at the my laptop, waiting. It's been two hours since i told them i need to go home and they had let me.

They didn't agree with me going but they couldn't do anything when i stated the facts. Instead of taking it out like human beings they snarled and growled at each other. Then Mr. Blackbourne and the others arrived and the situation only escalated.

Somehow, Mr. Blackbourne convence them to let me make my own decision. When i insisted that i had to go, they reluctantly accepted with resignation.

My laptop beeps and i tear my attention back to the screen. A slow smile forms on my lips as the screen confirms the information i have got.

Then I set to work, I lost track of time as i researched and double checked and made plans. I don't want anything to go wrong. I though about every possibile ways the mission could go wrong.

As the sun begin to set I crawled out from my secret hideout in my room. I took a shower to rethinking all my plans.

If plan A flops then i have Plan B, a backup plan and a backup backup plan. After my shower, i put on shorts and tshirt and sat on my bed.

I waited, watching the sun disappear and dark sky glittering with tiny twinkling stars and the street lights slowly flickering to life in the streets.

The guys haven't leave me alone. They had called me every hour to check on me. Though, this time when my phone started buzzing, i didn't attend the call. I can't afford to be distracted.

Then finally i stood up to change into my black clothes. Just as i stood up i heard the creaking of the stairs. I froze and started at the door with wide eyes.

I held my breath, praying to every god it shouldn't be my stepmother. Then there was a knock on the door. With a frown, i opened it. Stepmother never knocks and Marie doens't knock too.

My eyebrows skyrocketed as i saw my dad standing infront of me in one of his office suits.

"I'm going for a business trip and it... I wouldn't be back for a while." He said, his eyes looking everywhere but my face.

Something is wrong. I nodded slowly and whispered a 'okay.' Then without another word he turned and walked away.

I stood at the top of the stair and watched him take his battered suitcase and walk out of the house.

Why did he tell me that? He never tells me anything! And why in the world does he have a suitcase? Does he always take that in his business trips? Why the hell did this feel so much like a goodbye.

I stared at the closed front door for a few more seconds then slowly made my way downstairs. I peeked inside my stepmothers room to see her sleeping loudly. I closed the door and slipped back into my room.

I gave myself a minute to think about my father and his actions, then i put him out of my mind as i changed into my black clothes that i had used the first time.

The same assassin suit with my twin daggers and my two guns heartbreaker and Chaos. I stuffed my suit with all the weapons i have. I want - no i need this mission to go as per my plan.

After changing i took off to the old warehouse, which isn't very far from my house. I had already rented a car and now I used it to get to the warehouse.

Like last time i stopped faraway from the warehouse and walked through the woods, the rest of the way. I'm gonna go in, excute my plan and take everyone out and set the building on fire and get the hell away from here.

There isn't going to be any problem in my plan. Just as i came to the end of the woods my phone buzzed and as i looked at the caller id, it's Mr. Blackborne calling.

I stopped myself from attending the call and switch off the phone. No, if i attend it, i will somehow telling all the things and then he would stop me from avenging Derrick.

I can't let that happen. I took a deep breath and went into a assassin mode. No one can stop me.

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