21. North and Luke.

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"What do you think?" Luke asked looking at me.

"It's like something out of fantasy." I said, and blushed when I realised that I said that outloud.

I watched his face brighten up, like someone had said that he could have chocolate all day.

"I know, right!" He exclaimed looking around and then finally looking at me.

I looked at the bay window, through which the night sky can be seen. I walked towards the window and looked out. Since the room was filled with light, I couldn't see the stars.

I looked down, the roof was a few feet down and if I could jump I would be able to make it without hurting myself. Then if I sit a little to the right side where there was less light, I would be able to see the stars.

I smiled slightly and turned to Luke who was standing a few feets away, looking out. He saw me looking at him and looked at me.

"Promise me you wouldn't tell Phil and uncle about what I'm going to do." I said.

He looked at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes as he nodded. I smiled and climbed onto the window and sat on the sill with my legs dangling down.

"What the hell!?" A booming voice echoed throughout the room making me jump and that action causing me to fall off the edge.

At the last minute, I caught the sill with my hand, making me hang on to the window sill with my hands. I heard North's angry grunt.

I looked down and the roof was just two feets away so I let go and landed on the roof in a crouch. I looked up to see North glaring at me.

Luke chuckle, but stopped when North turned his glare to him. "What are you doing? I leave you two alone for three minutes and this is what you do!" North sounded exaperated.

"I just wanted to see the stars." I mumbled, looking away. I heard North sigh. I looked up and said excitedly, "You both can come down to."

"Hell, I'm in." Luke said, and jumped down through the window, not giving North a chance to speak, and landed a few feets away, his landing was soft and light like a thief.

North grumbled but didn't move. "It's okay, we'll be here, you can join when you want." I said and turned and walked to find a perfect spot for star gazing.

I stopped at the perfect spot and was about to sit down when I heard a grunt. I turned to see North walking towards us, looking so unbalanced and completely pissed off.

I held my hands out to him to stead him, and he took it. I sat with Luke on my right and North on my left. I looked up at the sky, and couldn't help the full blown smile that took over my face.

I looked at the guys, feeling happy and saw that they were watching me. I blushed slightly but was happy that they couldn't see it due to darkness.

I pointed to a cluster of star in the shape of saucepan and said, " that's Ursa Major and if you follow the end star...." I said following the pointer star with my finger and stopped when I came what I wanted " We'll get to the North Star."

I smiled and glanced at North. Who looking at the sky at the star along with Luke. I smiled at both of them. It's fun, I usually did this with Rick, but it's nice to share what I know with others.

Then I stared to teach them how to find constellations. The sky was dotted with stars and I had fun pointing each stars and creating shapes with it.

I shivered slightly, in the cold night wind. North looked at me and stood up, "Get inside, you're shivering. You'll get a cold otherwise." I sighed but did what he said.

"Now, what are we going to do?" I asked standing in the middle of the room, looking from Luke to North.

Luke opened his mouth to say something when North interrupted, "You're going to sleep."

Luke and I groaned at the same time. I do feel sleepy but I wanted to spend time with them. "No arguing, we have school tomorrow." North said folding his arms.

I stared at him, waiting to see if he would change his mind but when he stood his ground, I grumbled but moved to my temporary room. I changed into my PJs which is black spaghetti strap crop top and shorts.

After changing from the bathroom, I walked to my room which was next to the bathroom. I stopped when I saw Luke coming out of a room, probably his room.

He saw me and came to me with a smile, "Good night." I said as he looked at my PJs.

"Yeah. Uhmm. Good night to you too." He said looking back at my eyes. I nodded, blushing and got into my room.

Blushing has become something normal to me whenever I'm around these guys. I shook my head and climbed onto my bed.


"What's wrong?" I heard a voice but it sounded far away. I thrashed, trying to get out of the water, trying to stop myself from drowning.

I slowly stopped my thrashing, when the water filled my lungs, and the need to breath vanished.

"Sang baby, breathe. You need to breath." A voice said, I didn't listen to it. "Luke call Kota, now!" The voiced yelled but it was muffled.

Luke? Kota? What's wrong? Did something happen to them. That pulled me out of my nightmare.

I sat up, breathing and my lungs burnt due to the sudden flow of oxygen. I took short breathes, clutching someone's arm. Rick?

I looked up, expecting to see Rick, but when I saw North. My eyes filled with tears, I really miss Rick. He used to soothe me when I get nightmares, no matter which hour of the night it maybe.

North hugged me when I cried. I was happy North was here, I slowly stopped my tears and saw Luke looking at me with a broken look.

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