32. Talk.

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"I want to know about the drug issue." I said looking at Owen.

"Not to be rude but I don't think it's any of your business Miss. Sorensen." He answered.

"I know that but I can help you." I said, I wanted to keep the promise I made to Silas about stopping all of this as soon as possible.

"We have enough help, Miss. Sorensen. Now if you don't mind I have other important things to do." He said, annoyance flashing behind his perfect mask.

My eyes filled with anger before I could put my blank mask. I started at him, holding his stare. I could see he is irritated when I put my mask up.

That's what everyone feels when you put your emotionless mask, Owen Blackbourne.

After a few seconds, my anger only increased. Heck him, why can't he take help when it's offered. I give him a curt nod as I took a step back and turned and walked to the door.

After having an huge internal conflicts, I stopped at the door of the office . "Fuck me." I cursed, taking my hands from door handle and walking back to Owen's desk.

I pulled the small sachet out and placed it on the table. "What is this, Miss. Sorenson?" Owen asked raising his perfect brown eyebrows.

"This Owen is the drug people are taking." I said, emphasizing his first name. I was happy when I saw him getting annoyed at that. Tit for tat.

"I know this is not my business but if you think I'm going to wait around and watch people get hurt when I can do something about it, then you're wrong." I stated.

With that I left the room, I heard Nathan call me but I didn't stop. I walked to the bathroom, sat in a stall and opened the camera on my laptop.

I saw Owen talking to Nathan then Gabriel and Victor walked in. I reluctantly closed the CCTV footage, it's never good to spy.

I opened Greg's phone which I had wired, I went through his phone trying to find anything about Villin or the drug supplier.

I sighed when I heard the bell, I still had some more to check. I can't miss the bus. I stood up and stuffed my laptop and walked out slowly.

When I got to out I saw the Victor standing next to his BMW. I kept my head down and made my way to the bus. I didn't want to face him or any others now.

Now, thinking about my attitude at Owen's office I feel bad. I probably should apologize for calling him Owen. If he doesn't like to be referred using his first name then I shouldn't. I wouldn't like people referring me with names that I don't like.

"Sang!" I heard Victor call.

I stopped and turned my head slowly to look at him with raised eyebrow and folded arms. "What?" I asked.

"Can you help me? My cars not starting." He said motioning to his BMW.

I looked back at the bus, people were still getting in. It's okay just a small help won't hurt, right? Maybe I have enough time. I could help him quickly then get in the bus. I sighed and started to walk to his car.

I opened the hood up and started to check, I frowned as I couldn't find anything. "What happened to North?" I asked remembering North knows how to fix mechanical things.

"Uh..." I stopped and turned to Victor who had a sheepish expression on his face.

I opened my mouth to ask my suspicions, when I heard the sound of the school bus taking off. I swiftly turned to see the bus leaving.

"God!" I grumbled as I closed the hood with a bang. "So I think there wasn't any problem with your car." I stated glaring at Victor.

"Well, technically No." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

I was about to argue when the door of the BMW opened and Luke got out.

"Are you coming with us too, cupcake?" He asked and not giving me a chance to answer his question, he linked my arms with his and then stared to drag me to the door.

I sighed and hid my smile. Well, not that I am angry at them. I don't know what it's with these guys but they always make me smile even when i feel like I want to yell at them. It's nice to have a friend.

I got into the car with Luke in the back, Nathan sitting in the front and Victor in the driver seat. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"Yes! I knew you would come if I asked." Luke said giving me an awkward side hug.

"Well, I didn't know I had a choice." I said with a small smirk.

"of course you have a choice. Which would be Yes or yes." He said grinning. I rolled my eyes but was smiling.

"We're going to the infamous Morgan Estate." Nathan answered my question. I looked at him and gave him a small smile. He smiled back.

"I'll choose yes only, if I can have chocolate chip pancakes." I said. My favourite food.

Luke's stomach growled as he bounced in his seat. Natham and Victor chuckled.

"You can have chocolate chip pancakes all you want, princess." Victor said driving  north past all the small house and shops.

"Why are we going to your house? " I asked it was something I wanted answer to.

"You don't want to see my house?" Victor questioned, looking at me through the mirror instead of answering me.

"Does Mr. Blackbourne know?" I asked, it feels like he didn't approve of me. Owen might get angry at him for inviting me to his house.

"Yes. Well, he was the one who proposed the idea." Victor said with a shrug. I frowned as I looked at Nathan.

Owen proposed the idea? Nathan smiled as he said, "Come on, Sang. Don't tell me you are thinking that Mr. Blackbourne did't like you."

"Well. He didn't seem to...." I trailed off. Owen didn't seem to like me much.

"He does like you, he is just getting used to the idea of others knowing his emotion." Nathan said smirking.

"Yeah, Cupcake. How the hell did you know he was lying?" Luke asked, I frowned what is he talking about?

"Yesterday night, when you and Mr. Blackbourne was getting back from the assignment." Luke said, when he saw my confusion.

"How did you guys know that?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Umm..." Luke looked around for help.

"I need the truth." I said giving them a stern look.

"We have recording devices in our phones. Mr. Blackbourne texted us about it and we were listening." Nathan said, shrugging not even getting embarassed as he admitted that he eavesdropped a conversation.

I shook my head as I looked out. Small houses and potholed roads flashed past us into elite buildings and cleaner roads. North Charleston.

We drove into a street where most of the homes were at least four stories high, only a handful were three. There were brick and stone walls around each yard, and high gates.

There were enclosed gardens and what looked like detached garages. While the neighborhood looked nice, it was also very closed off.

Why build homes so close together and then put high walls around them? It felt crowded. And with most of the homes being so tall, one could easily stand in their house and see behind their neighbor’s wall, so there wasn’t much real privacy.

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