41. The End.

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I cracked my head and finger and took the guns out of the holster. I stood next to the door, where the guards had been standing before i had trapped them.

I took a deep breath and slowly opened the door, sneaking into the room.

The room only had more guards and fought all the goons one by one and my sneaking technique really helped me. I was about to get out as the last body fell down, when i heard the opening of the door.

"Don't go away." I didn't need to see to know it was Villin. As i was more focused on watching the door that now revealed a man in the shadows.

And i blame it as the cause for my lack of surroundings awareness. I heard movement from behind me and before I know it I am thrown against a door where the man had been standing.

I groaned at the pain. I blinked a few times to clear my sight from the black spots. In front of me stood a two guys who looked like a mixture of Silas and North. I stood up, clenching my teeth. I looked to see if there's an exit when the two guys stepped aside and from the shadow a man emerged.

He has thickp long black hair pulled back with ice cold pale blue eyes that has a slightly glazed look and a beautiful face with a scar on his right cheek but all the beauty is ruined by the cruel sneer on his face.

"I don't think we've have had a proper introduction." The guy said in a sharp voice, taking a step forward.

"I'm Villin and I've heard you were searching for me." The look he gave me made me wanted to wipe that sneer off his face.

I curled my lips at him and then without any warning, one of the guys took off towards me. I was ready for it.

We fought and it was really, really freaking hard to make the guy hurt. Plus the guy kept throwing me around like I'm a rag doll. The third time I hit the door, the wooden door broke and I fell into the next room.

I was thankful that I fell on my side. I got up, holding my grunt of pains. I glared as the two of the guards as they came towards me. I took a step back and slowly i pulled the gun from the holster on my back.

I am not playing fair. I quickly pointed them at the Villin and the other at one of the guards. Villin ducked, expecting it but the guard fell dead on the ground.

Within minutes i was next to the other guard as i started to strangle him with the cord from my utility belt. He gasped falling to his knees.

I pulled it harder and watched a his face turn pale white. I let him go as soon as he went limb in my arms.

When i stood up, villin was watching me with calculating eyes. I smirked as i said, "You may have not know who i am or what you have done to me but I'll never forget."

Then i fired my gun at him. He ducked ans let out a hyena like laugh as he said, "You think you can beat me."

I smiled as i said, "Maybe but I don't think you would like my plan of you're not dead."

Then i ran. Ran away from him towards the room in the north. I didn't need to look back to see whether he was following or not.

As soon as I got into the room, i closed the door but didn't lock it. I quickly walked to the window and opened it. My guys were standing below. I sat on the window sill and just when i was about to jump, the door burst open.

"If you think I'm going to let you go then you're mistaken." He said with a mad gleam in his eyes.

"See you." I said and aimed my gun and shot.

Villin laughed again as he said, "You missed."

"I never miss." Was my reply before i jumped out of the window and just as i landed down, i smelt the smell of gun powder and fire and ash and then all of us were running away from the warehouse.

We hadn't even reached half the distance, when the loud explosion took place in room with the widow. My plan had worked. I knew using the explosives would be a great idea.

I told the guys to kept running. We stopped when we reached my car. I slid down next to the car, taking deep gulps of air.

Then my body started to shake with nerves. My temperature suddenly dropped and my hands become so cold and my breathing quickens along with my heart beat.

I felt a warm hand on my cheek, i looked up to see concerned green eyes of Dr. Sean. The others looked equally concerned.

I tried to give them a weak smile as i grounded out, "It's just nerves. Just wait for a few more minites and I'll be fine."

Gabriel started laughing at this. His laughter helping me to get a little control on myself.

"Of course, only you would be nerves after a fight. Not before not during the fight but after everything is done." Luke said plopping down next to me.

Gabriel got his crazed laughter under control and then he said, "That's it. Fuck, we're fucking keeping you."

Then he came to me and wrapped his arms around me pulling me into a soft hug.

"I want a hug too." Luke whined playfully and before i could pull back he wrapped his arms around me and Gabriel and yelled, "Group hugss!"

Which earned him a slap from gabriel, "Stop shouting in my ears."

We all laughed. My nerves finally calming down. Then i looked at my guys one by one.

"We have a lot to talk Ms. Sorenson." Mr. Blackbourne said.

I nodded as Silas and Nathan both stood on either side of me like a bodyguard as if they're afraid I'll run off somewhere.

"I want to stay." I said looking at my guys. "I want to stay with all of you."

Then without warning, i pulled into a group hug, even Mr. Blackbourne joined in.

In that moment, i knew. I don't know how but i knew everything is going to be okay and nothing is going to matter, now that i have everything i wanted. My guys chuckled before pulling away.

I know my path isn't going to be easy but i know it isn't going to be bleak and colourless like before. I watched as my guys and i know I'm home at last. This is where I belong, where i will always belong.


From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

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