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I stood up as the class started to exit the class. I waited for Victor, who was packing his stuffs slowly. I knew something was wrong with the way he glanced at me and didn't meet my eyes after entering the class.

I opened my mouth to ask what the matter was, when Dr. Sean's said, "Miss. Sang, can I have a word?"

I glanced at Victor, before walking down to meet him. He smiled at me and motioned to my hand. I sighed but showed my hands, which he examined for a minute as he conversed,

"How was your friend?" He asked as he turned my hands looking at my palms.

"Good. I'm guessing you had enough rest." He looked at me for a second from his examination, with a emotion in his eyes that I couldn't understand

Then he took something from his pocket and handed it to me. I looked to see it  was some cream, "Apply it twice and the pain would be reduced and healed a little faster."

I opened my mouth to protest, when I heard Victor say, "Just say, thank you."

I didn't want to fight so I gave in, " Thank you." I said, to be honest it was nice to have someone care, but I was afraid they would leave if they knew I was trouble. I smiled inwardly as Gabriel and his new nickname for me came to my mind.

"Take care." Dr. Green said.

"You too." I said and walked towards gym with Victor, even though he didn't have gym. I walked in to my changing room after saying bye to Victor.

My thought was on the news Phil had for me as I rechecked my phone for the hundredth time to see if I had any new messages from Phil. No, messages.

I was thankful when the gym ended, I rushed and changed, I saw Gabriel and Nathan waiting for me. I smiled as I got near to them. "Are you guys waiting for me?"

"We didn't want you to disappear like you did yesterday without saying anything to us." Nathan explained.

I blushed slightly, I didn't know they would search for me. "What made you think that I would run off today?" I asked curious to know their answer.

"You were fucking anxious about something, from the time you fucking got the text from someone." Gabriel said, emphasizing at the 'someone'. 

I smiled slightly at him are they being jealous? No, they just probably want to know of I was safe or not. They looked at me waiting for me to tell who it was.

Well, all I did was nod and walk toward the door. I heard them both catch up with me as Gabriel said, "Aren't you fucking going to tell us who it was?"

My usual response would have been, No. But I felt different when I'm with these guys so I decided to tell them, as Phil knows Victor and Silas, they probably know about them to. "It was someone named, Dr. Phil." I said watching their reaction.

I watched as realization flashed for a second before guilt settled in their face. "We're sorry, we didn't mean to pry." Nathan said, I smirked and said, "You're not sorry."

They shrugged and the guilt slowly left their face as we started to talking about classes. I looked at the dingy, crowded yellow school bus, when I remembered that I should get into it to reach my house.

I didn't want to, maybe I could walk or ask Phil to pick me. I shook my head as I started to walk towards the bus, when a hand on my arm stopped me. I turned to see Kota and the other nodded to each other.

The guys split and got into their vehicle, leaving Kota and Nathan with me. I raised a brow at them. "We could give you a ride." Kota said, glancing at the bus which was full now.

I started to shake my head, not wanting to be more trouble to them, when I heard the sound of engine. I turned to look at the school bus taking off. I could catch it now, if I run.

As if  Nathan could hear my thoughts his hand tightened around me. I sighed, nodding. Not having a option other than walking to get to my house. I was inwardly glad they offered me a ride thought.

I climbed into the passenger seat of the old green sedan, as Nathan took the back seat. The ride was short. I got out when he stopped the car infront of his driveway, with my instruction to do so.

I got out, and closed the door when Kota said, "We'll give you a ride to school tomorrow if you want." 

I shook my head as I said, "I don't want to be a problem and it's just a short distance, I can take the bus."

"There's no problem in picking you up. We're going to the same school as well." He said, I thought about as it seems like a good idea, when I looked at them, they looked eager, so I nodded.

I made my way to my room, once I got into the house. I checked on my mother after changing into black jeans shorts, grey tshirt and a black and white checked shirt as it was cold along with my old chuck taylor. I placed a bottle of water and a packet of crackers next to her, in case she needed anything.

Then I walked out through the back door, into the woods. After my short walk, I came out of the woods and stopped infront of the old church which had its doors open.

I stood on the steps and peeked in to see if Phil was inside. I stepped down and took my phone from the pocket to dial Phil, as I didn't see him inside. I was about to press call, when the smell of strawberries and candies drifted to me.

"Why is the door open?" I asked as I turned to look at Phil.

He looked at me with surprise, and watched realisation sink in as he said, "That was creepy." I smiled as I knew he was talking about, me knowing he was there even before turning.

"Do you want to see the progress." He said walking infront and motioning for me to follow. I did as he asked, wanting to see the insides.

There were dull lights, hanging above. I looked around, taking in the surroundings, he led me towards the back, which I guess is supposed to be the kitchen. A cabinet had been taken down and there were lots of tools around.

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