37. Sleep ridden.

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"Can I see?'' I asked Victor. Still tried and sleepy but I want them to switch the light off and shut the hell up and let me sleep.

Victor looked up, suprise clear on his face. "You..."

I gave him a small barely there sleepy smile as I motioned him to come to me.

I leaned against the headboard as the others sat on the bed surrounding us. Victor passed the laptop to me.

He explained what he was doing and what he is trying to find. I nodded along, several times he had to repeat as I fell asleep.

I waved Kota's concerns about my sleepy state and got to work. The program he tried to crack isn't that hard, but not easy all the same way.

It's programmed the way I have programme my stuffs. This should have alerted me but my tried brain decided that it isn't important.

I kept working on the programme, again falling asleep a lot and had to take a few minutes to know what the hell I am doing.

When I finally cracked the code, I looked at the Victor with a sleepy smile. He looked shocked, utterly and completely shocked.

All I did is lean against him some more and decided to fall asleep. My brain intended only on getting 8 hours sleep after all the drama that had happened today.

I heard all the guys suck in a breath and heard Gabriel curse loudly and colourful. My eyes flew open, still sleep filled but ready to start throwing knives if something had happened.

I looked around the room and when I couldn't detect any problem. I turned to look at the guys. They all were looking at the laptop.

"What's wrong now?'' I asked, my voice gruff.

They all looked at me and then Kota stood up calling someone from his phone. That's when I focused my attention on the laptop, that is sitting in Victor's lap.

The location of the person, Victor was trying to track down is in his house, according to the tracker. My eyes widened and I felt my whole body stiffen. all sleep left my body and mind, leaving panic in its awake.

My mind tried to come up with ways to keep the guys safe, as I stared at the screen. Then something in the screen caught my attention.

I frowned as I pulled the laptop towards me, ignoring the others. My frown deepened as I typed codes into the laptop. After a few minutes, I placed the laptop on the bed and stood up abruptly.

I should have know. I quickly walked into the main sitting room and took my laptop from my messenger bag.

I took it with me to victor's room and placed it next to his laptop, typing programmes into my laptop. Then I groaned, frustratedly.

The person Victor was trying to track down is none other than ME! I took a deep breath and looked up to find the three of them in the doorway staring at me like I have gone nuts. I think i have.

I grimaced and asked Victor, "There's no nice way to word it, so... Why the hell are you trying to track me?"

"What?" All of them stood frozen to the spot as they stared at me. I waved my hands infront of me and then at the laptops.

Kota broke out of his stupidor first and asked slowly, "Victor was trying to track you?" Then he turned to look at Victor as he said, "All this time."

I pressed my lips together, trying not comment on his Harry Potter quote. I didn't hear Victor's reply as I started to redo my programm for my laptop, even though its me who broke it. It shouldn't be easy.

After a few minutes, I looked up when I was finally done, to find a very sleepy Gabriel drapped around one of the armchairs.

I smiled and closed the laptop, placing it on the bedside table. I got up and walked to Gabriel.

"Meanie, wake up. Get up and sleep in the bed." I said pulling his arms. He grunted and after i managed to him to stand up, he zombie walked to the bed and fell asleep as soon as he hit the pillow.

I got in and snuggled next to him. Contented to sleep for now and ask all the questions, to which I needed answers to for tomorrow.

Yeah, I'm not gonna go anywhere. I have all the time in the world, and I can spent every single second happily. Nothing can go wrong. That's is the last thought in my mind before I fell asleep.

I should have know better than to believe the calm. Since, there's always a calm before a storm.

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