31. Family.

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I entered the Japanese class after watching Silas go back to his class.

Victor walked in after a few minutes. "Hey, princess." He greeted.

My cheeks turned red and I mumbled a "Hey, Victor."

Victor blushed after a moment when he realised that he called me 'princess' out loud. "It suits you." He said.

I smiled at him. He smiled back. Dr. Green entered at the same time, raised an eyebrow at both of us and greeted the class.

For the rest of the class, I kept zoning in and out of the class thinking about all the problems in hand. The promise I made to Silas, Villin coming to Charleston within 3 day, the guys knowing about the academy and me.

Then about the drug, maybe I should contact Blackbourne or wait untill I can meet Phil. If the issue doesn't escalate then I'll wait for Phil, if not then I'll go to Blackbourne, I decided.

"Sang!" I blinked coming back to reality as victor shook my shoulder. "Yes?" I asked.

"Are you okay? I've been calling you." He asked.

I nodded, "Yeah. I'm sorry." I looked around to see people getting out of the class.

Seeing my confusion he answered, "The bell rang a few minutes."

"Oh." I nodded again and stuffed all my books into my book bag and got up. I saw Dr. Green looking at me in concern. I smiled at him saying I was okay and walked out to the hallways with Victor.

We were close to the gym when I heard a slap sound. I swiftly turned to see a guy with his hands wraped around a girl's arm.

She was struggling to get out of his grip and looking at the guys face which apparently have a hand print like she slapped him. The guy smiled showing his yellow teeth as he raised his hands to slap her back.

Not happening buddy. I started walking toward the guy fastly. Just as I got near, Nathan materialized out of nowhere and had the guy pinned to the locker.

The girl's friends surrounded her, comforting her. Victor took over and Nathan walked to me as Victor and Gabriel pulled the guy to his feet and started to walk him away from the scene.

"Is he on drugs too?" I asked.

"We can't say that for sure, but maybe." He said from behind me. I kept staring at the place where Victor and Gabriel had disappeared. "Let's get back to the class." He said.

"No, I want to see Owen." I said, turning to Nathan. His eyes widened slightly at the name.

"What are you talking about?" He asked as he shifted from one leg to another, probably nervous.

"Come on, I know that you know that I'm academy." I said as I pulled him through the hallway to the office, I had seen in the cctv.

"How did you know?" He asked. I smiled as I said sarcastically, "A dog told me."

"Rick?" He asked. I froze in my place, my hands tightening around Nathan's arm at the name.

"No, I hacked into the system." I replied coldly, putting my emotionless mask. Showing my irritation he didn't reply back.

"Is Owen in his room?" I asked turning to Nathan, still having my mask intact.

I saw his eyes dim down at my closed off look. Instead of answering, he nodded taking his phone out.

I was in a mixed up, jumbled emotion, and I couldn't stand seeing him like that, my mask slowly slipped away. "I'm sorry." I said, taking my hands away from his, he probably is angry at me.

He caught my hands and intertwined it. "It's okay. I get it." He said, looking at me. I shook my head as I said, "No, you don't."

He stopped walking and caught my arm in his hands. "I do.....I get like that when people ask about my parents."

I frowned about his parents? "What do you mean? You live with them, right?" I asked, confused, he did say that when we first met didn't he? Maybe his parents are like mine too.

He sighed and started to walk, holding my hand. "No. My dad's out of state. My mother... My... Mother.."

I stopped him as I said, "You don't have to." Feeling like I was forcing him to share something personal to him.

"No I want to. My mother left me and my dad when I was small as she had enough of an alcoholic and abusive husband and a useless son." He said with a laugh, the laugh was filled with coldness, and self- hatred.

"My father then blamed it all on me, telling me it was because of me that she left and he started giving me punishment for everything. I -" I stopped him as I hugged him, I didn't want to know anymore. It explained it all.

He broke the hug and the light came back to his eyes as he wiped my tears away, "Are you crying?"

"No, my eyes are just sweating." I said, laughing slightly and giving him a small hug again, feeling like I need to show him that he has me. "I'm here for you, no matter what." I said looking him in the eye showing the seriousness.

"It's all okay now. My dad doesn't come to the house a lot. He's usually half the world away." He said smiling, "Now why do you want to meet Mr. Blackbourne?"

I knew he was trying to distract but I wasn't sure who he was trying to distract, me or him but I complied. "I need to speak to him about the drug problem."

I knocked at the unmarked door, randomly. The door opened and I saw Dr. Green look at both of us with an raised eyebrow.

"Hey Nathan, Sang?...." He trailed off glancing back to where Owen probably is.

"She needs to see Owen." Nathan answered for me. Dr. Green looked back once again before opening the door wide for us to inside get in.

Inside was an inner office with a double set of brown, faux-wood office desks facing each other. Each had a computer and several stacks of papers piled neatly in brown plastic bins.

There were a couple of file cabinets in the corners and a cork board nailed to the far wall, with a calendar and some other notes tacked to it. There was a small radio sitting on top of one of the file cabinets. A violin concerto was playing on a low volume.

Mr. Owen Blackbourne sat the desk against the far wall. He looked at me and then at Nathan. Dr. Green left the room closing the door behind him.

We just stood there, me tapping my feet and humming inaudibly to the song. Owen asked, "Do you know this song?"

I looked as I said, "It's the song about the swallow, isn't it?"

He nodded, an eyebrow going up.

"But it's the version by Micarelli, isn't it?"

"How do you know it's her?"

"Well, she's got this style. She plays soft. It's hard to explain, but it's different than other violinists. I really like it." I explained my voice turning soft as I spoke about something that I like really well.

There was a spot on his mouth on the right side that turned up. It was only a millimeter of a difference, but it was all his face required before the sternness disappeared and he seemed pleased. His face was suddenly beautiful. I would almost sell my soul, would do anything, to keep that pleased expression on his face.

"Well, what do you want to talk about Miss. Sorenson?" Owen asked placing his folded hands on the desk, the smile disappearing the way it came.

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