15. Orphan.

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"It's okay, I'm not here to hurt." I said in a soft voice, just a second before entering the room, giving them an idea of who is coming.

I watched as the shuffle farther into the room. I stopped in the entry way, I didn't know what to do, I've never done this type of mission before!

I thought for a second, what would I do say and do of I was the one in their position. I took a deep breath, holding it for a moment before releasing it.

"Hey, I'm sang." I said, with a small smile.

"What do you want? We didn't do anything!" One of the younger girl said, her voice scared.

"I'm here to help you." I said, then shook my head and kneeled down on the dusty floor. They followed all my movements warily. I pulled out some chocolate that Phil had given to me earlier.

"I know what you've been through." I said as I looked at the bandage in my arm, I removed it and showed them to the 14 years old. I watched as their eyes widen at my wound.

I pushed the strawberry candies towards them, and rewrapped my burnt hand. "I'll never let anyone take you back to that place where you ran away from. I know where you'll be safe and you'll be taken care of." I said my voice determine.

"How can you be sure? How do we know that they wouldn't beat us like our parents?" One of them asked.

I gave them a smile, "You don't. I'm not going to drag you away from here. You have a choice, you always do."

I watched one of the younger kid take the candy. Following her lead the others took one too. "Come on, I'll get you safely to one of the shelter, I know, will love to have you."

I watched as they exchanged glance, the eldest one nodded. "Is any of you hurt?" I asked to make sure they are suffering.

"Sara has a cold, other than that we're all okay." The eldest one said, pointing to a 13 years old girl with jet black hair, chocolate brown eyes with slight dust of freckles on her nose.

I made a mental note to tell Phil to stop at the hospital, to check Sara up. I nodded as motioned for them to follow me. I climbed out of the room through the same way I came in, followed by four children this time.

I introduced Phil to them, and I motioned for them to get into the car that other academy member had brought, they would take care of them from here, even though I wanted to be the one to take them to this shelter so I can check the place out and be sure that they would be safe.

Phil and I was about to leave, when the team leader from the girl team walked towards our car, Phil got out telling me to stay in the car. I wanted to got out but didn't want to disobey, so I lowered the window to hears their conversation.

"-tening. Try talking to the team that brought them out." The girl said.

"Okay, I'll ask." Phil said. I only heard the last of their conversation but I know that there was a problem.

He motioned for me to come out when the girl had gone back. "What's wrong?"

"Well, those girls seems to have problem with going with the bird team. They want you to go with them." He said, "The girls doesn't trust the bird team."

I nodded, showing him that I understood. "Then can I... You know, can I go with them?" I asked, I wanted to go but if he said that's not a good idea, them I'll probably wouldn't.

"They can come with us." Phil said with a sigh, but a smile came to his face seeing my excited state. I am just happy that I get to stay a little longer with them, to be able to help them out.

The four girls filled into Phil's car. I turned from my front seat and looked at the girls, who were crammed together. I gave them a small smile. In the better light I can see that their clothes were torn and shabby looking.

"What are your names?" I asked.

The eldest one, with light red hair and green eyes gave me sheepish smile and said, "I'm Noella. This" she said pointing to the girl with sad electric blue eyes and strawberry blonde hair " is Leona and Alexa. They are twins. And you know Sara."

I smiled at them and turned my attention to Phil. "Sara needs a check-up. They think she has a cold?" I said looking at Noella for confirmation, she nodded, "Yup. We need to see if it's any serious."

"Okay, we'll go to the one in the downtown." He said, clearly meaning the academy hospital. I nodded, I didn't want them in the other hospital where they'll call their parents.

I watched the girls tense, probably thinking the same. "It's okay, the people in the hospital are good. Remember, I told you I'll keep you safe." They nodded and relaxed a little.


I sat in the waiting area, tapping my legs against the tiled floor. They made me stay here, while the other went in. Phil was doctor and the others didn't want to leave Sara alone in a new place.

I groaned, pushing my hands into my face. It's clearly frustrating to wait. What if it's serious? It's going to be okay. I said to myself repeatedly and after a few seconds, I started saying it under my breath to make it feel like it's a truth.

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