29. Blackbourne Team.

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I changed into my pyjamas as soon as I got to my house. Then crawled into the small attic like space inside my room. I took my laptop out from the shelf in the cupboard like space.

I hacked into the Academy files and found the one that said. 'Blackbourne team'. I took a deep breath, the dusty smell making me cough. I should do something about the smell. I shook my head as I clicked open the file, focusing on it.

Team Liaison : Owen Blackbourne.

Team Leader : Dakota Lee.

Team Members : Sean Green, North Taylor, Luke Taylor, Silas Korba, Gabriel Coleman, Nathan Griffin, Victor Morgan.

I slumped against the wall, this wasn't what I was expecting. So the guys knew about the academy. Now thanks to Phil's little plan, they knew I was academy too. But do they know that I know they are in academy?

I don't think so. I was up untill 2:35 am, reading up all their files, every bit of information about them but I left out their blood family details not wanting to be too invasive. I know it's ilegal and Phil would flip out if he knew, but only IF he knew.

I really hope they wouldn't act different now that they know I'm in Academy too. I closed the laptop, I have school tomorrow and I need sleep. I can't walk around like a zombie. I laid down on my bed, staring at the ceiling and I don't remember when I fell asleep.

I woke up to the familiar sound of squeaking and rattling. I sat up, rubbing my face with my hands. It was the first good night sleep I had in months. The squeaking sound of a bus coming to a stop echoed and my eyes widened.

I ran to my window to see the yellow old school bus, leaving. Heck! I saw Kota's car following leaving too. Great! Just great.

I quickly showered and changed into my usually skirt and blouse and picked my book Bag and phone from the charger and dashed out.

I ran through the woods as I didn't want to scare people on the street with my running. The school was 20 minutes away! I stopped as I felt something vibrate against my thighs.

I sighed and started to run again. I took my phone from my skirt pocket and saw a message from Phil.

Dr. P : Are you alright?
Sang : I don't know how but you're going to help me get a motorcycle or a car.

Was my reply. I was panting as the woods ended and I stepped into the sidewalk. I walked instead of running, catching my breath.

Dr. P : Are you on your way to school?
Sang : of course, I am.

I had planned to wire Eric, Greg and his friends today. I need to get to school. I slowed down my waking. I just wanted to sit down, my legs were aching from running half the way.

I stopped and fixed my dress and hair then stared to walk again. I am going to ask for a ride when the next vehicle passes by, no matter whether it is a car or motorcycle or truck or anything.

I stopped my walking when a Charcoal BMW stopped a few feets infront of me. I hands went to my book bag which had my dagger. I looked around and saw no one on the street. The car door unlocked and a man in suit stepped out.

I gripped the dagger, getting ready to throw it at the man, but when he turned, I sighed. It was Owen Blackbourne. I released the dagger and took my hand out of the bag.

I started to walk, but he stepped into my way. I raised a single eyebrow at him. "Dr.Phil said you needed a ride."

I groaned, putting my hands into my face. Seriously, Phil what are you planning on?

"This just keep getting better and better." I mumbled but got into the front seat which Owen held open.

Owen got around the car and started to drive. I took my phone out glaring daggers at Phil's contact.

Sang : Can you arrange for a motorcycle or a car within today?
Sang : Preferably motorcycle.
Dr. P : Okay, but no motorcycle.
Sang : Come on, motorcycle are easy to use. Rick brought me one.
Dr. P : I'm not Rick.
Sang : He would buy me one if I ask.

There was no reply from Phil and that said I won the argument. I fell bad for using Rick but I pushed it out of my mind. He would only want me to happy. I smiled, I'm going to get a motorcycle.

Sang : Get a black one.

Owen parked the car in the teachers lot and I got out. I thanked the him and walked to the homeroom. The hallway was empty telling me that class had started. I jogged to homeroom.

I burst open the door and everyone's attention turned to me. I instinctively looked down, not wanting all the attention and walked to my usual seat between the guys.

Two classes went by the guys didn't talk to me. I didn't talk to them either, waiting for them to tell me something. They would glance at me occasionally but other than that nothing else.

I sighed as I sat down in my AP geometry class. I already miss not talking to them. A piece of folded paper fell on my lap. I frowned at it and looked back, picking it up.

I looked at North who motioned for me to open the paper. I huffed as I turned. Are we in elementary school?

I opened the paper, irritated at him for not talking all day and giving me a note as it would balance it all.

But all the negative emotion went away replaced by an unknown feeling bubbling inside me as I opened the paper.

The note read 'Do you like me?' with an yes or no box to check. I glanced at North as I put an heart on the yes box, then scribbled 'Do you like me' back with same yes or no box.

I folded it and handed him the note, keeping an emotionless mask as I was happy, too happy and I didn't want to scared him off looking like a psycho.

I turned forward, anxious what he would do, will he think I'm being werid? Will he not want to be my friend anymore. All my thoughts were interrupted as the note fell back on my lap.

The yes box was checked as I turned to look at North, giving him a full blown smile before turning back, looking at the paper for one last time before keeping it inside my bag carefully.

Nathan turned and looked at both with furrowed eyes. I couldn't stop my smile, I shrugged at Nathan and looked at my book. I probably look crazy but I didn't care anymore. A note from one of the guys was all it took to change my mood all together.

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