19. Phil's planning.

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"There's still work to do." He said turning to look at me. "What do you think."

I looked around as I imagined it as a kitchen, "I like it. " I said as I turned and took a full view. I could definitely see it as a Diner with some changes.

"They just need to do some more work and it would be ready to open. He's thinking a few more weeks." He said nodding to himself.

Not bad, I could see myself working here after school hours and hanging out with the guys. The guys? Where did that thought come from.

"Wait. We're not breaking in are we?" I asked as that thought crossed my mind, I looked at Phil with a stern expression.

He chuckled as he said, "of course not. Ben gave me the keys when I asked."

"Okay. Didn't they fix the electricity here?" I asked as wiped the sweat from my forehead. The room was getting hotter.

"I'm not sure, let's talk outside." He said and once again I followed him out, he locked the door and turned to me, motioning to sit on the stairs.

When we were both comfortable, he started talking, "We talked to Johnny, trying to get information out of him and then when we sedated him a little and kept asking him, he finally talked out of frustration." He smiled at me looking proud with a tinge of worry.

"Okay, go on." I said urgently, I've been waiting for the news from the lunch break.

"He said that the container that we stopped was the final shipment for a very important client and if what he said was true, then Villin would be here within the end of this week, and to say he is anger would be an understatement."

I nodded once, taking all the information, "So, he'll be here within the end of this week? That's a good news." When I saw Dr. Phil's expression I added, "Right?"

"No!" He exclaimed, his eyes clouded with concern. "You don't have a family that looks out for you. You need someone to look behind you're back."

"I have myself." I said, frowning.

"Sure you do. Think, do you have someone who you could trust at least a little? Maybe someone form your school?" He said, his voice filled with expectation.

My thoughts went to the seven guys, but I can't pull them into my problems amd they're not even academy. The way Phil said seemed like he already knew the person and was expecting me to find out.

"No." I said firmly, and before he could say something else, I said, "Is that it?"

He sighed but nodded, "Wait a second." He said as he took his phone out and dialled someone. "I'm asking for one last time, are you interested in joining any family. Any, that is irrespective of gender."

I frowned but stayed my ground. He gave a quick nod before moving away, out of my hearing reach as he talked to someone on the phone.

After a few minutes, he got off the phone and came to with a glint in his eyes that I could only be read as mischief.

"We can go see the girls in the shelter if you want." He said.

"What are you planning?" I asked warily.

"You'll know it soon, now let's go to the shelter." He said as he walked towards his car.

I waited for a second before following him to the car. Whatever he's planning, I'm not going to join a random academy group.


"We'll come back, again. I promise." I said as I hugged each girls for the last time.

"Bye, we'll miss you." Sara said as she hugged me for a second longer.

I waved to them as I got into the car. We waved to each other untill the car took a turn and the shelter disappeared from the view.

A small was plastered on my face as I looked outside. "You guys are starting to create a bond." Phil said making me turn to him.

I shrugged it off, I was happy that we decided to go to the shelter. I was full from their dinner as well. I didn't want to go back to my house.

I sighed as I looked at my burnt hand, picking at the strings coming out from the bandage. It felt like a dream two minutes ago, when I was playing and spending time with the girls but all dreams come to end.

"What's wrong?" Phil asked, concerned. I didn't want to tell him about my family situation atleast not yet.

I didn't want to be a burden and I wasn't ready to tell him even though I want to, it doesn't feel right. Only one I talked to was Derrick, but he's currently not here.

"I'm not ready to talk about it just yet." I said looking away from him, embarrassed.

"It's okay. Don't you want to go to your house?" Phil asked , I gave him a small nod, blushing.

I wanted to hang onto every single moment of happiness as much as I can. If I go home now, I'm sure my mom would punish me for something silly.

Phil smiled, as if he was expecting me to say so, which made me curious. He took his phone out and texted someone.

"You can stay at Ben's house. He told me he wants to talk to you about your ideas for diner." He said, the same glint from before coming back to his eyes.

"I'll just get some spare clothes then we can go over to Ben's house." I said carefully, while Phil nodded.

I frowned slightly as I can literally feel the excitement coming from him but didn't say anything.

"Why not go to your house?" I asked after a few minutes wanting to know what he's planning.

"It takes a lot of time to reach my house, Ben's the nearest one." He said as he stopped the infront of the old church then looked at me and said, "Hurry back up."

I nodded and hurried to my house. Packed my book bag with an outfit for school tomorrow, and pyjamas to sleep in along with other essentials.

When I reached the car, I saw Phil smiling widely at his phone. He's upto something.

"Hey, come on." He said taking the bag from me and and placing it in the backseat. Something's happening and uncle and Phil are planning it, was all I could find out.

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