16. Shelter.

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"Are you okay?" A tried voice asked. I dropped my hands from my face and looked up.

"Dr.Green?" I asked, my momentary surprise distracting me from my worries.

"Miss. Sang, may I ask you what you are doing here?" He seemed surprised too, the tiredness is now masked from his voice. That's when I looked at him properly, he was wearing a doctor's coat over his purple button down shirt.

"It's a hospital." I stated with a small smirk. He shook his head and said with a smile, "I know that, I'm meant to ask who you are here to see."

"I'm here to see..." I trailed off, I didn't know if he was academy or not. He could be an adoptive member, for all I knew. "My friend." I stated.

He took a seat next to me as he seem to analyze me. "Is your shift over?" I asked, he looked confused at my question so I motioned towards his coat. He gave a small laugh and nodded.

"You should rest. Were you going home?" I asked not wanting to keep him if he had somewhere else to be.

He shook his head, a little light coming to his eyes as he said, "I don't have anywhere else to be."

A smile touched my lips at his words, involuntarily. I wanted to push him to take rest, and go home but deciding to be selfish, i stayed quiet.

He stayed for a few more minutes, just asking me about my burn ans talking about random things and not staying on the topic for more a few seconds. It was fun and I was laughing the whole time too.

Eventually, I told him to go get rest as the tiredness in his eyes grew, as the clock said it was nearly midnight. He gave in after a second and told me I should too, since I have school tomorrow.

I waved to him as he left the hospital building, I watched him, with a small smile until he disappear out of my view. I smelt the sweet strawberries and candies smell before I heard phil's voice that sounded surprised , "That's new."

I turned to him, rolling my eyes. "He was nice. How is Sara?" I asked, remembering the reason why I'm here.

"She good to go, but will need to come back for some more tests, they all need to, but since it's late. I was thinking about tomorrow evening." He replied as he started to move towards one of the rooms

I followed him and saw the girls talking to one other. They smiled when they saw me, and Leona came to me and asked, "Can we go see my new house?"

"When you're ready." I said, I was amused at how well they seem to accept the change and trust me. I'll do anything to keep that trust.

Minutes later we were pulling up to the shelter. It was painted in light blue and white, with a small garden with a lot of different flowers. The door opened even before we could get out of the car.

A women in her thirties came out, she was plum and had black hair with occasional white hair peeking out of her tight bun. She had warm brown eyes and a wrinkle near her eyes.

She smiled at us, and looked at the four girls. "You're our new family members?" She asked excitedly.

The girls nodded, "well,come on in then!" The lady said.

"I'm Mrs. Skye. I'll show you your new room, follow me." The girls followed her, Phil stayed with me downstairs. I walked around the shelter, it had a warm cozy feel, it felt much like how a house should be than the one I am living.

The main room had a fire place, a entertainment area and lots of bean bags littered around and the backyard was littered with toys along with monkey bars, swing and slide. The house had a neutral colour theme. The house had a big library, my favourite part.

I was yet to see the girls room, but I know for sure that they'll like it and they'll love it here. I completed looking around and was messing in the main room when the girls came down.

I didn't want to ask, their face told everything. They like it. I smiled, as they spotted me and came to me. Loeona and Alexa started talking at the same time about their room, which they had to share with others.

I didn't understand one word as they were saying everything at the same time, I smiled at their happiness. "One by one, girls. You don't want your friends to never come back do you?" Mrs, Skye said with a chuckle.

The girls looked at themselves and then me, "I'll come back, even if you keep talking over each other and I couldn't understand a word." I whispered like its a secret.

They smiled, their eyes twinkling. We talked for a few minutes more, I tried to hide my yawn but when Phil saw that I was tired, he told the girls that we would come back when we can.

I couldn't promise, since I might have a last minute academy job or I'll have to do something about the Villin guy. I was half asleep when, I got into Phil's car after saying my goodbyes to the girls.

I woke up when the air pressure changed. I looked around and saw that we were parked infront of the old church, which uncle has brought. I saw Phil look at me with an apologetic smile.

"Did I wake you, sweety?" I gave him a sloppy grin, I was still half asleep. My eyes widened when a light hit me for a second before disappear. I looked to see Phil having a sheepish expression and his phone in his hand.

Don't tell me, he took a picture of me. "I did take a picture of you. You were soooo cute!." He said defending himself. I didn't have an energy to fight.

"Just delete it." I said, and opened the door of the car. I shivered when the cold air hit me. "Bye, Phil. See you later."

He nodded although he looked like he wanted to protest, he knew better. I smiled and walked hastily towards my house, wanting nothing more than to hide myself under my sheets and sleep.

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