25. Aftermath.

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I walked away from the both of them, who were yelling! me for getting into a fight. Yelling at me!

"Sang!" I didn't stop I kept walking not looking back. If they are going get on to me about getting into a fight, then I am not gonna reply.

"Sang please!" This time I stopped as instead of Nathan or Victor it was Kota's voice.

I turned and looked to see all 7 guys stop a few feets infront of me with different emotions in their eyes. I sighed as I said, "If you're going to tell me off about-" I didn't get to complete my sentence as all the guys at once hugged me.

I blinked and slowly hugged back. This is not what I imagined their reaction. "Okay, can someone take me home?" Nathan asked.

Nathan breaking the hug, leaning against the lockers, closing his eyes. I looked at him in concern, is he okay?

"Victor, Nathan and sang get in my car. The others are going to do what they were supposed to do." Kota said, I can clearly see the others didn't agree to it.

"We are continuing our schedule like we have planned. Gabriel and I are here to check on them if they need anything." Kota said, his voice stern and commanding.

The others reluctantly nodded and walked away, when we all filled into Kota's green old sedan. Students started to file out as we started the car.

Time did move fast. As kota drove away from school, the unexpected fight came crashing down to me. I shivered.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt? Cold?" Victor asked from my right. Nathan was slumped in the front seat. I saw Kota glance at me through the mirror.

"Nerves,” I said, shaking my head.

He smirked as he said, “You know you’re supposed to be nervous before you jump into a fight. Or at the very least during. I’ve never heard of anyone waiting to be nervous until after.”

“Normalcy was never my strong suit,” I confided, shrugging. It was true. When we were forced into plays or speeches in school or even when I do something sudden with Rick on an assignment, before and during the event I was fine.

Afterward, I was a jumble of shaking and twisted stomach. Right now if I wasn’t forcing myself to keep up, I would be crumbled on the floor. It was tempting but I didn’t want to scare them.

The guys looked at me at that, with an emotion flas in their eyes, and before I could find it they looked away. I calmed myself the way to Kota's house, it helped that Gabriel and Victor were sitting next to me. Victor drawing shapes on my arm, that was in his lap was soothing.

Kota stopped the car in the driveway of his house and helped Nathan, while the rest of us walked into his house through the front door.

I looked at his house, it was the first time I had been in his house. "Is your mom home?" I didn't want their mother getting mad for bringing a girl over.

"She's at the hospital. My sister would probably be here in a few minutes." He said walking through a short hallway with wooden floor. Hospital? What does that mean.

"Is she working late night shifts again?" Gabriel asked concerned as Kota opened a door to the left just before the end of the hall. Oh, so kota's mom is a doctor or a nurse or something association with hospital and shifts.

Kota nodded at Gabriel's question as we climbed a staircase with light blue carpeting covering the steps.

"We should do something about it." Victor said and kota said something that I couldn't hear, but I was too busy to ask as I was observing Kota's room.

As the stairs lead to the bedroom above the garage which was spacious. There was door open to the left that led to a small bathroom. There was another door next to it that was closed and I only guessed it to be a closet.

There were windows facing the driveway and one looking out onto the road at the front of the house- my house. There was a bench seat near the window toward the front with a couple of neatly embroidered pillows in the corners. A bed was pushed up against the wall by a window overlooking the driveway, leaving a huge amount of space in the middle.

The bed was unmade but the corners at the foot of the bed were tucked in sharp angles. In the far left corner was a computer desk, monitor turned off. The desk was so neat that it looked brand new. A small bookshelf sat next to it and books arranged neatly in some order.

Kota walked into the bathroom, after the conversation with Victor and I heard him opening cabinet. Victor sat down on the carpet, and Nathan took a seat on the bench seat near the window. Gabriel directly went to the bed and plopped down. I looked around and sat on the floor.

"You're fucking grounded, trouble." Gabriel said sternly.

"What? What did I do?" I asked. Kota came back with medical kit and Gabriel turned to his side, facing me.

"Well, you fucking got into a damn ass fight." He said, frowning. I was slightly glad that North wasn't here. He would have killed me for getting into a fight, even though he didn't say much when he saw me.

"And you could have gotten hurt, really bad." Kota added.

"The what about the Nathan and Victor?" I asked looking at Gabriel and then at Kota.

"They're not grounded." Kota said, turning to Victor, who was near him and open the medical kit.

"But I didn't get hurt, they did." I stated as I collected the medical supplies from Kota, "So shouldn't they be grounded too?"

"I can't ground them for something, they couldn't help." Kota said back.

I smiled slightly, as I said "Exactly, that's what happened with me. I couldn't just stand around could I?"

Kota shook his head. And I took out the peroxide and a gob of cotton and walked to the bench seat to Nathan. He smiled when he saw me.

"Well, atleast I heard Sang curse for the first time." Nathan said, smirking but winced when it hurt his lips.

"What the fuck?" Gabriel asked as he sat up looking at me and then at Nathan.

"She said, 'get the fuck away from him.' she looked so angry and looked like she was about to kill someone." Nathan said, unknown emotion flashing in his eyes.

"And you should have see her fight. She was awesome and fierce." Victor said with a proud look in my way.

I shook my head as I asked, "What were you doing on the second floor, anyway." Nathan glanced at the other, having a conversation with his eyes, and he shrugged.

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