12. Art class.

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"What are you staring at?" His voice was deep surprisingly deeper than victor.

"Uh... Nothing?" I said though it came out more like a question. He smiled, taking my hands in his, shaking it and said, "I'm Gabriel Coleman and your hair is fucking amazing."

I blushed at his compliment, "Sang Sorensen" was all I could say as Mr. Doyle entered the class silencing everyone.

"Okay, class. I need you to draw a picture to express you view of life or...anything else. It's basically to see how well you can draw or if you can draw at all. Start." He commanded.

I started drawing, getting lost in it. After a few minutes, I added details and looked at the picture, it was nothing big or awesome but it was something I could relate to. A caged bird. I chuckled lowly at the irony. The picture was of a open cage but the bird had thread tied to its cage, like it was free but still limited.

"It's beautiful." Gabriel said, causing me to look at his canvas, he turned it away from my view. I looked at him, suprised. He shook his head. I saw I still had a lot of time, so I smiled at Gabriel and started drawing.

It was like a thank you drawing to him as he said he liked my drawing. I refused to let him take a peek, promising that I would show him once I finish it.

I was adding details to the painting when the bell rang interrupting me. I sat there not moving, I have lunch now, I'm not hungry and not in the mood to go to the crowded cafeteria.

"Are you fucking done yet?" Gabrial whined, which made me laugh.

"Almost." I said smiling when the picture came out better then I thought. "Are you ready?" I asked and without waiting for a reply I turned the picture towards him.

When he didn't comment anything, I got nervous, maybe he didn't like it? Is it bad? I was self doubting myself when He trailed, "It's....!"

I looked at him, looking at me "fucking beautiful, don't degrade yourself." He said as if he could read my mind. "The picture is amazing, great actually. I don't know how to explain it. Do you mind if I take it?" He asked.

I smiled at him, " Yes, only if you like it, truly."

"Of course, I would. It's me after all!" He said chuckling, I saw the same expression from North earlier when I told him about North Star flash in his eyes, only with Gabriel it stayed as he kept looking at the painting of him.

I smiled happily that he really liked the picture, he turned away from the picture and I don't know what he saw in my eyes, he came forward and wrapped his arms around me. I flinched slightly, but relaxed after a second against him, wrapping my arms around his torso.

We pulled back from each other, our cheeks tinted in red. "Let's fucking go." He said holding my hand and pulling me with him.

I let him pull me around, we talked about my hair, art and random things. Surprisingly, my smile didn't falter once, I kept smiling like a idiot. We reached the courtyard, I was focused on him as he was telling a story about a fashion mixup, I watched him in amusement as he explained everything animatedly using his hands and scrunching his face in a cute way.

He stopped talking and looked at me obviously asking what I thought, when he saw my expression he blushed.

"You look cute when you blush." I blurted out, hoping to make him comfortable, which only made him blush even more. I put my left hand on his arm and laughed slightly, distracting myself from the foreign feeling bubbling in me.

"What are you laughing at, Sang?" I turned and saw we were walking towards the bench with North, Kota, Nathan, Victor, Silas along with a guys I didn't know. Gabriel huffed and sat down next to the guy who has defined musculature, but is not as cut as Nathan. His skin color is slightly darker than mine. He has blonde hair that nearly touches his shoulders, pulled back into a ponytail. He has brown eyes, high cheekbones, and looks like a guy from magazine. I didn't know they were all friends.

The second guy was sitting next to North, "What is that?" The blonde guy asked loudly turning our attention to Gabriel, who grunted but answered nonetheless, "A painting."

"Well, show us!" The blonde guy literally bounced in his seat. Gabriel looked at me and I just shrugged. He let out a breath and turned the picture to them.

"It's a picture of me that Sang drew for me." Gabriel said looking smugly at the others who was looking at the picture in shock. I can't understand their expression at all, so I gave up and sat in the bench next to Nathan.

He snapped out of whatever state he was in, and turned to me. "Hey, Sang."

"Hey, Nathan." I didn't know what else to say to him, and so I turned to the blonde haired guy next to Gabriel and said, "I'm Sang."

He stood up and came towards me, his sweet fragrance of vanilla and sweet filled me, the blonde guy, took my hands kissing my knuckles, did a mock bow, which made my jaws drop and said, "I'm Lucian, but you can call me Luke."

I smiled a little wider at him, and said, "well, it's nice to meet you luke."

"At your service ma'am." He said letting my hands go and doing another mock bow, which made me giggle. He's the fun one for sure.

"How did you paint? Did you use your right hand?" Nathan asked a little concerned, I returned my focus to him.

"No. I used my left hand." I said, which made everyone look at me as if I had two heads. "What?" I asked.

"You can't just say that and expect us of to do anything!" Victor mumbled.

"So your ambidextrous?" Kota asked curiously.

"Yes." I said with a shrug, it not a big thing. I've seen people who could do much more. He looked at me incredulously like he couldn't believe I shrugged it off. He looked at the others as he shared a "did you see that look" which made me laugh.


The second painting she does is more or like this, with a little changes like having piercing and hair colour into russet hair and two blonde hair strand

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The second painting she does is more or like this, with a little changes like having piercing and hair colour into russet hair and two blonde hair strand.

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