♡𝓕𝓸𝓾𝓻 ♡

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Izuku woke up alone in his dorm room. He checked the time and saw that class had started hours ago. He got out of bed and headed over to his dresser. Grabbing some comfortable clothes for the day he headed to the showers.

Izuku didn't really know what to do. Recovery Girl said to rest but he wasn't used to sitting around and doing nothing. As he stood in the shower he remembered last night. He breathed fire.

Izuku concentrated really hard but nothing changed or happened. He closed his eyes and tried again, this time envisioning a flame in his mind. Feeling a tingle travel through his body he opened his eyes to see his veins glowing orange.

A small flame appeared in his hand before sizzling out due to the water. A small smile graced Izuku's face and he finished washing. Once he was done with that he decided to strengthen up the dorms.

He cleaned the kitchen, took out the trash, cleaned the showers, and tidied up the living room. When he finished it was around lunchtime so he decided to go talk to Nezu.

He slipped on his shoes and headed towards his office. On the way, he ran into Aizawa who caught him before he fell.

"Ah sorry Aizawa Sensei!" He nervously apologized.

"It's fine, what are you doing here? You should be resting Midoriya." Aizawa said concerned.

"I know I just really need to talk to Principal Nezu about something." Izuku fidgeted slightly.

"Alright then get on, " Aizawa crouched down.

"H-huh?!" Izuku was taken back.

"You aren't supposed to be on your feet for too long and if something happens Chiyo's gonna hit me not you." Aizawa groaned.

"O-oh ok, sorry for the trouble." Izuku mumbled embarrassed, and got on his back.

"It's fine, your light so I'll let it slide this once." Aizawa said walking in the direction of the office.

Izuku smiled, "Thanks!"

They got weird or confused looks from other students in the hall. Izuku kept his head down not liking the attention on him.

Aizawa suddenly stopped and Izuku looked up seeing they were at the office door. Izuku carefully got down as Aizawa knocked.

"After this go back to the dorms and rest. I better not catch you up moving around again." Aizawa half-heartedly scolded.

"Yes sir,"

Aizawa walked away and Izuku entered Nezu's office. The rodent looked up and smiled acknowledging his presence. Izuku closed the door and quickly made his way over to a chair and took a seat.

"Hello Midoriya, what can I do for you?" Nezu asked.

"Um well, something happened last night with Minori's quirk. I don't really know how it works but I have a quirk now.

I can't use it very well yet but I thought maybe with some training I could stay in 1-A?" Izuku said opening and closing his hand.

When he looked up he felt his heart clench. Nezu had a small frown, something Izuku's rarely seen him do. He didn't like where this conversation was going.

"I'm sorry Midoriya, your name was officially removed from 1-A's roster earlier today. If I were to add you back it would send an alert to the commission.

They'd send someone to investigate and they could find out about OFA and you're sudden quirk change. They'd take you away and I just can't take the risk of anything happening to you.

The best I can do is have you moved to 1-B and allow you to stay in 1-A's dorm building." Nezu explained with a sad smile.

Izuku forced a smile, "Oh that's alright then I understand. Thank you for worrying about me."

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