♡𝓢𝓲𝔁 ♡

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Izuku sat and processed Aizawa's words now that he was alone. He smiled a little to himself. He was happy that Aizawa didn't judge or blame him like others did in the past.

He finally felt like someone cared and genuinely wanted to help him. Izuku's eyes landed on the blanket and he got up. He picked up the blanket and left his room. He didn't remember seeing Kaminari downstairs.

He used the stairs since Kaminari was only one floor above him. He got to his door and knocked on it. Kaminari opened his door and his eyes lit up seeing Izuku.

"Um, here's your blanket. I washed it so don't worry about it having my smell or anything." Izuku said holding it up.

"Thank but you didn't have to do that!" Kaminari smiled taking it.

"It's fine I wanted to, "

Kaminari put the blanket down before returning and hugging Izuku. Izuku was caught off guard but hugged back liking the show of affection.

"I'm so glad your still here, " Kaminari mumbled.

"What do you mean?" Izuku asked as they pulled away.

"You haven't been in class lately and I heard a rumor that you were leaving UA. And then your name wasn't on our roster anymore and I got scared that you were really gone." Kaminari frowned.

"O-oh, I've been meaning to explain to everyone but I'm a little scared." Izuku said quietly.

"Well you can tell me and then I can help you tell the others." Kaminari offered.

"Are you sure? I don't want to cause you any trouble." Izuku fidgeted.

"I don't mind!"

Kaminari gently pulled Izuku into his room and closed the door. Izuku entered the room and sat on Kaminari's new beanbag chair.

"Ok I'm listening, " Kaminari said sitting down.

"Ok, um the thing is I recently developed a quirk disease...and was dying. That's why I've been so sick and weak lately. They were able to perform a procedure that removed it but I also lost my quirk.

Principal Nezu planned to move me to general studies but my dream is to be a hero. I planned to leave UA altogether since I no longer could. Minori and Todoroki-Kun convinced me not to.

But then something happened, Minori accidentally used their quirk on me. So I'm not quirkless anymore, I told Nezu in hopes that nothing had to change. But he said that it was too late and that he couldn't put me back in 1-A.

So I'm being moved to class 1-B but I can stay here in the dorms so I'll still see you guys." Izuku explained.

Kaminari started to cry and hugged Izuku again, "I'm sorry that you have to go through all of this."

Izuku smiled and hugged back, "I'll be ok, I'm not alone so I'm sure I can get through it."

Kaminari pulled away and wiped his eyes, "Ok, why don't we go talk to the class now? If you want I'll tell them for you if you're still nervous." he offered.

"You will?" Izuku was a bit surprised.

"Yup so leave it to me! Come on, "

Kaminari took Izuku's hand and pulled him up. The two of them decided to take the stairs. Nearing the bottom they stopped hearing Aizawa explaining everything.

"Oh looks like we don't have to, " Kaminari said.

"I should still face them, " Izuku said nervously.

"Ok I'm here with you, " Kaminari squeezed his hand.

My Crying Heart {SeroDeku X OC}Where stories live. Discover now