Chapter 17✏️

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"I'm a save your number under something else. I'ma keep your things deep in myself. I'm a tweet our inside jokes to the outside world. Forget you, go away."

Dear Diary,

The snow is sticking to the ground and I'm kind of upset about it. I was so over the winter I just wanted to feel that warm spring air.

Yani was outside with my mom and dad playing. I was going to take her out but they had offered. Of course I said take her, I hated the cold.

They were trying to get her to make snow angels. She was trying to and that made me smile. She was getting big quick as fuck and I wanted her to stay young forever. I wasn't ready for her to be introduced to the world because it was a cruel one.

I was seeing more of Devin. He mad me happy and I was always smiling around him. He made all the negative Shit in my head disappear.

We agreed to keep it on a friend level but we flirted from time to time. He was good energy and matched my level on intellect. He was expecting a son soon and he was happy.

The girl he got pregnant was one of his friends from back in the day. She was a weird one to me and I didn't understand their friendship but I guess it wasn't meant for me to understand. They got each other and that was all that mattered.

Jahvon and I still weren't on speaking terms. We even argued a few times which I never understood why. If I was a couple minutes late dropping off Yani he would make a big deal out of it. Shit was so weird to me.

I would look at him like I was once deeply I love with you. I would do anything for you and now I look at you like you're some random ass nigga. Shit really changed for us and I hated that it ended this way.

I still loved him and wanted to fix our friendship because that's what we were supposed to be if we ever decided to split. He'd always be around when I needed him To be but damn.

I tried not to reflect on any situation that had occurred between by preoccupying myself with shit. I hated thinking now because it always ended up in the same place. Fuck.

My mother finally told my dad about the man she had been seeing. My father was hurt for the most part but he understood. He was "dead" and she needed to move in with her life.

He also understood why she told the man about him. The love they had for each other was beyond words. Like their souls were made for each other. Their relationship was something that I yearned for. I wanted that.

Ya I'd birthday was next month and I honestly didn't know where I wanted to have her little party. I knew what I wanted to do but just couldn't place it. I was indecisive. Have it at my house or like some indoor theme park?

Knowing me I would decide last minute and scramble for people to get to the right place. It was going to be real dope and I know she's going to enjoy herself. She was going to tire herself out. As long as she is happy.

Killing Midnight would be easier than I thought it would be. I've been to like 3 of his main spots. It didn't take that long for him to trust me and I was thankful for that.

I wanted to get this over with so I can go on about my life.

This week was going by too peaceful and I knew something was going to go down. Where was the leave?

Akashaa Zenn

Jan 16, 2019


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