Chapter 40🫠

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"Speak ."

Short chapter


"Fuck ! Fuck ! FUCK !" The news had hit him hard. It felt like his breath had left his body. He knew that she wasn't playing around. When some shit had to get done , she was going to get it done.

How could he have fell for this man though? How could have have loved him despite the fucked up shit he knew he was into? What was up with that?

Pebbles leaned his head against his headboard and stared at nothing in particular. He was stuck in this sicken place but knew he had to shake that shit off.

He told himself over and over again that he knew what his friend had did was right. That it was the right thing for her to do. He couldn't help but to feel helpless and hurt though. Midnight was there whenever he needed him to be and vise versa.

He laughed to himself quietly. "Fuck this shit."

He got out of bed and looked at himself in the mirror.

"Love comes and goes. You allowed yourself to hurt and feel the pain now it's time to get the fuck up." He said to himself.

He had business to attend to and he knew he couldn't get shit done by sitting in bed. He needed to feel fresh air. To breathe.

Sitting in the house was making him go crazy because all he did was replay that shit over and over in his head.

"Pebbles!" He heard Akashaa yell.

He was avoiding her until he could get his feelings together. He knew that she would let him be for so long until she made her presence known.

He loved Akashaa like she was his own and it's always been the same feelings since he met her. She was solid. Trustworthy. Loving. Understanding. Annoying but he loved her nonetheless. She was his girl.

"I'm in here Poot."

She pushed his door open and leaned against it.

"I love you soo much G. Forever and always."

Turning around he smiled at her. His first genuine smile in a while. "I know miss girl. What's on the agenda?"

"Yani and I would love to take you out to eat." She said before they heard little footsteps.

She pushed her way from behind Akashaa and made her way over to him. He loved this little girl dearly. He felt that she loved him the same.

"I could eat. How's my baby doing?"

Yani laid her head on his shoulder and played with the earring he had dangling from his ear.

"I was thinking Pinky's Westside Grill. That's cool?"

"Ooh yes. I've been wanting their banana pudding."


"Sha, I just want you to know that I'm not mad at you. Somethings I do understand and then there's times where I don't understand anything at all. You did what you did for you..."

"I didn't do it. He did it himself. In a way I knew that me pulling the trigger would hurt you and I didn't want to jeopardize our friendship. Not over no nigga." She said cutting him off.

He was confused at first and then shrugged it off. He wanted to ask her another question but decided to let it go all together. Shit wasn't going to bring him back.

He watched as Yani ate her fries. They needed an 'us' day where he was going to spoil her for the entire day. She was such a diva with her little shades on.

Akashaa looked at Pebbles as he helped Yani. It had been a week since she had spoken to him and she decided that she needed to be in his presence.

She understood how he felt towards the situation and knew that she couldn't do that to her friend.

"Is Jahvon back yet?"

Shaking her head, she took a sip from her drink before answering. "No. He's extended his stay."

"What the fuck does that mean?" He whispered.

"Business. Trying to get his shit straight. Appoint the next best person since he's leaving entirely. I think."

"That man irritates my soul sometimes. The simplest decisions are never so simple to him and I don't understand."

Shrugging, Akashaa looked around her. She made a mental note to make this one of her favorite spots.

"Oh, Ciamaniee is having a get together at her house tonight. She told me that you have no choice but to come."

That made Pebbles smile. The group of ladies that she surrounded herself with was very refreshing. Each with different personalities but they knew the meaning of loyalty.

Every single one of them got together perfectly. Not one favoring one more than the other and he honestly loved that for them.

"What time?"

"She said to be there around 8 but I know you have something to do today so whenever you can make it."

"I should be done around that time. How's school?"

"Tiring. I'm not going to lie, sometimes I feel burned out."

"Do you feel like you need to take a break? It'll be okay if you did. You don't have to put a lot of stress on yourself."

"Should I? Focus on my store. I mean it'll give me more time with Yani 'cause I feel like I see her less and less." She said before stroking her cheek.

"If you feel like it's right then do it. You should always do what you feel is best. School is stressful, that I know for sure. Take that break."

Pebbles always knew what to say when it came to shit like this. He could tell that she was still fighting with her mental on whether she would do it or not.

With the mentality of always having to finish things that you've started , he could understand why.

She would do what was best for her. She always did.

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