Chapter 29👁

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"Good brain, am I fucking' with a scholar? Woodgrain, ima grip it when I whip it. If I take a shot and brick it, ima flip it."

~Sorry Not Sorry~

-Bryson Tiller

The meeting with Nike was a successful one. They was fucking with Crazy's designs and I knew he was going to be happy as fuck. I had set up a meeting with them for tomorrow so we can hurry up and start this process.

If he could do this, he was going to step away from the drug shit. He said he wanted more than this which I agreed but selling drugs was it for me.

This little side hustle was one of the best things that I've ever done. Shit was a whole rush. A thrill.

I don't know why I didn't just stick with King when he was telling me about the shit. I don't think I could've seen myself doing it back then.

Being in the drug game was weird to me in a way. I didn't understand why people turned to drugs and shit knowing the consequences of using but at the same time, I was the nigga supplying them with the drugs.

This shit was a hustle . A job if you will. The best actually. Everything about it was exciting to me.

I looked around my room before taking my shoes off. My body was aching and I knew I had to relax. I didn't want to tire myself out seeing as I had business to attend to tonight.

Crazy had set up some meeting with the Colombians. I wanted to make sure they were legit before even doing business with them. Had to look it it them without them knowing what I was doing.


Carlos was on his way over with Allison. I haven't seen them in a minute and I thought that it would be refreshing.

I was sitting down in theliving room smoking a blunt. Baby boy was playing on BET. I swear they showed this movie more than any other movie.

My doorbell rung and I knew it was them. I got up to open the door and all I heard was gunshots. I was praying that whoever did it didn't know how to aim and that Carlos and Allison didn't get hit. Especially Allison. She was 6 months pregnant.

I could hear the car speeding off so I went and opened my door. They were slowly getting up off the porch. Carlos used his body to shield her.

"Y'all good?" I asked them.

"Yeah we're fine." Carlos said.

I looked outside and seen that none of my shit was shot up. Who the fuck was the person shooting at?

They walked into the house and Allison walked towards the kitchen. She was planning on cooking us all dinner and to discuss my new project.

"Who shooting at your neighbors?" Allison asked.

I shrugged. "I honestly don't know. They probably owe some shit and didn't pay up."

Carlos sighed and shook his head. He hated guns and everything associated with them. He knew what I was into even though he didn't approve. Everybody did shit for a reason in his eyes but he didn't understand me selling drugs.

I could literally do anything that I wanted but I did this and it was shocking to him.

"How's your family?" Allison asked.

"Yani is good. Trying to talk. I feel like she act just like me." I said.

She laughed at that. "And Akashaa?"

I shrugged. "She's good I guess. I don't really speak to her unless it's about Kaliyani."

"What's the issue now?" Carlos asked.

"Shit just got real crazy between us. I almost pulled a gun out on her, she almost did the same to me. It's real Toxic right now."

"Y'all almost killed each other?" She asked.

"Yeah man. She's doing her thing, got a new nigga or whatever the fuck he is to her and I'm doing me."

"Hold up, hold up. A new man? You let her do that?"

I scratched my head. "What you mean?"

"Not like let her because you know she can do whatever she wants but you let that shit fly? I thought that was your girl?" She asked.

"What was I supposed to do? Tell her she couldn't fuck with nobody else? I got mad love for shorty but we not in the right space right now and this distance that we've put between each other is good. Shit at least I think so."

"I don't know man. I seen you marrying Akashaa. Maybe having more kids together. I like her." Carlos said.

"I like her too. She's always so nice to me. Who's to say that that won't happen in the future? Do you know what you're going to be doing 20 years from now?" Allison asked.

"Nah I don't. I keep telling myself that if we were really meant to be then we would find our way back to each other. Not just for our daughter sake but for us." I said.

I didn't want this to go any further than it was going. Talking about Akashaa always got me upset for some reason. From the moment I laid eyes on her I knew I was going to wife her and make her the mother of my children.

It was unfortunate how everything turned out because I didn't see this shit coming. Just like I didn't see myself getting shot again but what could I have some to prevent this?

The future was mysterious and I didn't know what it was going to have in store for me. Half of me wanted to work shit out for the better. Apologize for my many fuck ups and the blame that I put on her. The other half said fuck it. Let her do her and you do you.

Life was frustrating and I knew this shit came with growth. I would figure out a way to get shit back on track to how I want it to be.

"Well whatever y'all decide to do is on y'all. If you feel like giving it one more shot with her than do it. If not, go y'all separate ways but come together for y'all kid man. You don't find another one like her in your lifetime. Someone close but not like her." Carlos said.

"I couldn't have said it any better." Allison said.

I nodded my head and room what both of them said into consideration.

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