Chapter 3🤍

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"Seek respect , not attention. It lasts longer."

-Ziad Abdelnour

"Where's Yani?" My mother asked me.

"She's with Tina for the next couple of days." I said before sitting down at the table.

"You look drained. You want some coffee?"

"I feel better actually and yes. I could use some."

I was supposed to be spending the day with Ryan today. He wanted to make this a every month thing and I was cool with that. Today we were going to go shopping and then get something to eat. I didn't know if I wanted to go to Olive Garden or Red Lobster. All I knew was that I really wanted some pasta.

My mom sat the coffee down in front of me and sat down across from me. I could tell that something was on her mind and it was fucking with her.

"Wassup?" I asked.

"So i'm in some shit." She said before rubbing her temples.

"What you mean?" I asked looking at her.

She pulled her hair into a bun and sighed. "So there was this dude that I was talking to and I think I love him but now that you're father is back, I don't know what to do. I'm torn between them both."

"So you was talking to some guy and I didn't even know about it? So when you said you were with Tina, you were lying?"

"No. Whenever I said I was with her I was. When I was with him, I never said anything about it. I would just leave."

"Dad is going to be pissed. Did you tell him?" I asked.

She shook her head no. "How can I tell him?"

"You got feelings for this guy?"

"I think so. It's weird to me. I love his company but since your father has been back, it brought back everything that I have ever felt for him. I don't want to hurt him. He'll snap."

"Well I feel like you should tell him before he finds out. Do you still talk to the guy?" I asked before drinking from my cup.

"I went and seen him yesterday and we had lunch. I told him about your father and what he means to me. He didn't like that shit." She said, chuckling a little.

"You just need to stop talking to him then. I kind of have an idea of what I think you said to him about dad and I don't think any nigga would let that slide or even want to deal with you after that. You clearly love somebody else." I said shrugging.

She nodded her head and got up from the table. I heard a car honk outside and assumed that it was Ryan. I washed my cup out and left my mother in the kitchen. She needed to figure this shit out and tell my father soon.


Me and Ryan walked out of Foot Locker when we bumped in to Alana. I inwardly groaned and tried to prepare my mental. I knew she was going to say some slick shit out of her mouth and I knew the end result would be Ryan stopping me from punching her in her shit.

She looked me up and down before smirking. "I seen you put on some pounds. You getting fat out here baby."

"I see you still out here on your knees. Having niggas pay you just to get by." I said looking her over.

Her clothes were always to tight and I always wondered how she was able to breathe. Bitch looked like she was suffocating.

"I'm good at what I do. I can't help it that niggas want my attention." She said before shrugging.

"That shit is not cute."

Shrugging again, she turned and looked at Ryan. "Hey Ryan." She said seductively.

He scrunched up his face and whispered to me "Why this ugly dog faced ass bitch talking to me?"

I smiled and looked at her. "I don't know. Old lady you disrupting me and my friend's day. Excuse us." I said before grabbing Ryan's hand and pushing Alana to the side.

"I can't stand shorty. Her attitude is disgusting and she always suffocating in her clothes. Shit be bothering me." He said.

"I swear to God. That shit ain't right at all."

"Come on. Lets got to Olive Garden, I'm starving."


When we got to Olive Garden, we got seated quickly, which I was thankful for. I knew exactly what I wanted and I was ready to eat.


"So?" I asked looking up from my phone.

"I think Ciamaniee is pregnant but she's hiding it from me and I don't like that." He said.

"Did you ask her?" I asked him.

He shook his head no. "We haven't been on good terms lately, which I'm assuming you already know. Shits been real rocky and I don't know what's going to happen with us."

"Well then you both should talk it out. There's no sense in keeping quiet and letting it continue to bother the both of y'all"

The waiter came back over and we told her what we wanted before we started up our conversation again.

"I love her. I never looked at any female I dealt with before the way I look at Maniee. That's my baby." He said before rubbing his hand down his face.

I smiled at that. I loved when a man expressed his feelings about his girl. That shit was beautiful to me.

"Every couple goes through shit once and a while. Y'all just have to communicate y'all thoughts and move on from there. I love the both of y'all together. Would you be happy about the baby?" I asked.

He smiled. "Yeah. I could do things differently this time even though the first time wasn't my fault. I didn't even know Aiden existed. I went a whole year not watching my son grow. I would be having a child with someone I'm deeply in love with and I get to see the pregnancy from start to finish. I want that."

"Yeah, your baby mother was foul for that one but he's in your life now and you have your whole life to watch him grow into a man. You and Maniee just need to talk it out and if she is, congratulations to the both of you." I said smiling.

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