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" Will you be coming home for Christmas?" Grace's mom asked.

Grace scrolled on her laptop gathering literature for a paper due in one of her classes.

" Pick your phone up, why can't I see you,"

Grace rolled her eyes playfully, propping her phone up against her laptop.

" Sorry I'm trying to do this assignment, what did you ask?"

" Will you be home for Christmas?" Her mother re-uttered.

Grace was a spitting image of her mother, she got 100% of her looks from her. Often when they would go out together they'd get mistaken as sisters. They also had a very tight bond. Grace and her mom were best friends.

" Because you haven't been home since Mother's Day Grace Lynn,"

" Oh my gosh mom," Grace exasperated. " Yes I'll be home. I'm going to call you back tomorrow I really need to finish this,"

" Okay baby, I love you,"

" I love you more,"

Grace sighed heavily writing down notes. The only thing she hated about writing papers was trying to find different ways to flip a sentence so it wasn't plagiarism. It had been about thirty minutes since she'd wrapped up anger management classes for the night. Grace sometimes stayed after to catch up on a little school work before going home because she knew if she tried to get anything done at home she'd procrastinate and end up not doing it.

Hearing a door open and close slowly, Grace perked up, listening quietly to make sure she wasn't hearing anything.

" Dr. Rothschris?" She called from her seat.

There was no response.

Sure she wasn't just hearing anything, Grace rose from her seat furrowing her brows.

" Hello?" She called, walking to the door of the classroom and looking out.

Grace let out a small scream, startled to see Willie in the hall casually smoking a cigarette.

" You scared me, hey Willie.." She laughed uneasily with her hand to her chest. " Can I help you with something?"

He continued to smoke on his cigarette as if Grace wasn't standing there talking to him, he hadn't even looked at her.

After a few moments, he finally glanced over at her. Willie held a strange look on his face, almost emotionless. His eyes seemed very dark and empty.

" Willie," She said again. " I think it's time for you to leave now,"

Feeling a strange feeling in her gut, she looked at the classroom door and back at him. He followed her gaze and then smiled an eerie smile. Quickly, she made a run for the door trying to close and lock it behind her but he was quicker and shoved his boot in the door making her unable to close it.

" Willie you need to leave," Grace said panicked, backing up into the classroom.

Willie lunged at Grace grabbing her by her hair and slamming her to the ground. Grace screamed loudly as she tried to fight back, scratching and clawing at his face.

" I told you, women like you need to be taught a lesson," He said through gritted teeth wrapping his hands around Graces throat and squeezing as hard as he could.

Grace could feel the pressure building in her head as her blood flow became restricted. She closed her eyes tightly, gritting her teeth and scratching at his hands.

" Please stop!" She croaked.

He hit Grace in the face with a closed fist as he straddled her body.

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