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" What's wrong wit you?" Joseph asked leaning in the doorway as he watched Grace do her makeup for her graduation.

The day she'd been talking about for months had finally come and she didn't even seem as excited as she was a few weeks ago, especially after how things went with Joseph meeting her parents.

" Nothing, why?" She asked powdering her face, looking at him through the mirror.

He shrugged. " Imma be real you just ain't been acting the same since we came back from yo people house,"

Joseph walked into the bathroom and wrapped his arms around her waist pushing her hair to the side and kissing her neck.

Grace shrugged. " My feelings are hurt I guess,"

" Have you talked to them?"

Grace shook her head digging in her makeup bag.  " Just my mom,"

" If I ain't trippin bout it then you shouldn't either,"

" I know but that was just so mean. You mean so much to me and I hate the way he judged you and tried to treat you like you were a monster,"

Joseph waved it off.

" You know what's real baby, don't let that shit get to you. Today's your big day you shouldn't be worried about nothing else," He spoke.

Grace nodded looking at him through the mirror.

" Now hurry up so I can crack you before we go," He smirked smacking her ass.

" Why do we have to have sex before every time we leave the house, you're like a sex addict,"

" I'm a Grace addict,"

Grace rolled her eyes watching as he left the bathroom.

" Do I look okay?" Grace asked spraying herself with Lady Dior perfume.

" You look sexy," Joseph said sitting on the edge of the bed on his phone.

She had on the black lace Bottega dress he'd bought for her the other week and a pair of silver heels.

" What time we got to be there?"

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" What time we got to be there?"

" In an hour," She said as she changed her purse.

" Let's get a quickie in real quick,"

" No you freak we have to be there early," Grace laughed. " I will give you some when we come home,"

" You gone let me beat the doonies down when we come home?" he asked.

" Yes," Grace laughed.

" Say it," He demanded, pulling her by the arm between his legs.

" I'm not saying that,"

" Say it so I know you being for real,"

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