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Dre hung out of the passenger window of the semi looking backwards as Kyle backed the big truck into the ware house. He slapped the door of the truck which made a loud echoing sound in the metal garage.

" Yo you good my boy," He said to Kyle as he opened the door from the outside and hopped out, his timbs kicking up dust from the ground as he landed before slamming the truck door behind him.

" Unload all that shit and have it ready for Santiago people when they get here," Dre instructed Vito who then summoned a few more men for help.

Dre chewed on a tooth pick as he typed away on his.

Kyle cleared his throat catching Dre's attention as he took off his hat twisting it nervously in his hands. Kyle was a young white boy, maybe mid 20s and licensed CDL driver that Dre had found to pick the loads up for him. Dre looked at him with an irritated expression.

" You don't think it's a good idea I know what I'm hauling?"

Dre starred at him blankly.

" You got one job and that's to not get pulled over. Don't worry about what's in the back of that truck. You got a family don't you?"

" Y-yea. A little girl and my lady,"

" Ight then, it's in your best interest and their best interest that you just mind your business and make this easy money," Dre said tapping him on the chest with a wad of cash secured by a rubber band. " There's more where that came from too. I'll let you know when I need you again,"

Kyles face lit up taking the money. He'd never had so much at one time. Nodding, he walked away unraveling the bills to count them. Dre shoved his hands into his pocket watching as various containers of fruit were passed off the truck and stacked into a pile in the middle of the warehouse.

" Nigga am I missin something? I don't see shit in here but some damn fruit. Where the product at?" Vito huffed, wiping the sweat off his forehead with his arm.

Dre smirked. " You lookin at it,"

" Your brother thinks he's so damn grown now I don't know what I'm going to do with him," Graces mom sighed into the phone. " You didn't give me problems like this when you were his age,"

Graces freshly manicured pastel pink nails made a tapping sound as she scrolled on her laptop proof reading her research paper before getting it ready to be submitted.

" What did he do?" Grace chuckled drinking a sip of her wine.

Old r&b played softly through out her home but not loud enough to distract her from her work.

" I found condoms in his room!" She exclaimed in a whisper into the receiver making Grace giggle.

" Mom atleast he's using protection, why are you even going through his room in the first place?"

" This my damn house,"

Grace rolled her eyes.

" So, he's a teenager now. Let him live,"

" Let him live," Graces mom mocked. " Let him live with you how about that,"

" Yea no,"

A knock at Graces door caught her attention. She looked up quickly furrowing her brows as a nervous feeling took over her as she wasn't expecting anyone.

" Hold on," She said quickly before setting the phone down. " Who is it?" She asked in an aggressive tone, grabbing the metal bat from the coat closet by the door.

" Me,"

Unlocking the door Grace cracked it open. Rolling her eyes, Joseph stood texting on his phone, the light from his screen illuminating his face. She opened it wider for him to come in setting the bat down. Her home was warm and had a cozy vibe. Multiple candles were lit with the wood wicks that made crackling sounds reminiscent of a campfire and smelled of vanilla.

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