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" Do you know what you want to do for your birthday yet?" Grace asked walking into the room from Joseph's bathroom as she got ready to go to brunch with her girlfriends.

" You," Joseph said trying to pull her onto the bed.

" Babe stop, I just got ready,"

He smacked his lips. " I don't give a fuck, come here," Joseph demanded yanking her harder making Grace laugh as she fell on top of him.

" Where you goin with this lil ass dress on anyways?"

" Where you goin with this lil ass dress on anyways?"

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Grace rolled her eyes. " I'm going to brunch with my friends Joseph,"

He scrunched up his face at her. " That ain't my name,"

" Yes it is,"

" It's babe to you, don't call me that shit," He said in a tone of seriousness.

Grace laughed rolling her eyes.

" Why you got to leave, I feel like you just got back," Joseph complained.

" I've been back for three days, you're the one that's been busy, not me,"

" Because bae I told you I been having business to handle," He said.

She side eyed him. " Mhm,"

It was true, he did have business to handle, just not the kind of business she thought. Getting their product back wouldn't be an overnight thing, it was something that would have to be well planned to be executed and judging off the way they were hit, it wasn't going to be easy.

The Italians had been doing this shit for decades, they're the ones that started the Mafia. Joseph and Dre knew what they were up against, but their crew didn't and they had to get them ready.

" What you think I'm lying?" He asked.

He'd told her one of his semis was in an accident and he was having to get it repaired and handle everything else that came with something like that like, which was kind of true.

" No, I believe you," She said, kissing his lips.

" I just been missing you, that's all,"

Grace smiled. Touch and affection was one of Joseph's love languages. He didn't always express how he felt about Grace verbally but he for sure always showed her. He was grumpy and mean to everyone else but to Grace he was so lovey and clingy and she loved it. She had him wrapped around her finger.

" You are the biggest baby I've ever met, literally," She laughed looking at him. " But for real babe, what do you want to do for your birthday? I was thinking maybe let's take a trip? Everyone go to somewhere tropical,"

This was Joseph's first birthday home from prison and Grace wanted it to be extra special for him, especially because he always made her feel extra special.

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