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" Jacob shakes his butt better than me!" Grace exclaimed, taking a sip of her Long Island Water.

Long Island Waters we're one of Grace's favorite things to get from the bar because they literally taste like lemon water but they hit you like you took a few shots.

" I don't know how, you got all that ass back there," Jacob laughed smacking her butt playfully.

Jacob rents a booth in Pries salon doing hair and was also a close friend of hers. The three had decided to have a very much needed night out on the town especially after what happened the other night and hit the club, Avant.

Of course Prie and Dre had made up, they loved that toxic shit but Grace on the other hand said what she meant and meant what she said when she told Joseph to leave her alone.

Grace was one of the most understanding people in the world and if he would've just told her from the beginning what he wanted to do instead of lying to her she wouldn't mind. She'd probably be a little upset but she'd rather be a little upset instead of a lot of upset. Grace just feels like she's still on a different page than Joseph, even after their talk on the balcony and she's just over it at this point.

She really does care for Joseph but she'd rather not deal with him than to keep getting her feelings hurt. Grace even went as far as to block his number and had been staying at Pries house for the most part because she knows how he is.

Joseph was the king of pop ups and right now, she just needed her time and space to get over the situation once and for all.

" Because she don't have no damn rhythm," Prie snickered.

Jacob smacked his lips. "That don't mean nothin, I'm finna show you. Put your hands on your knees,"

Grace laughed uncontrollably as she tried to follow Jacob's instructions but her mind just wasn't in sync with her body movements.

Jacob made an 'eek' face before bursting out laughing. " Ight don't do that again, good thing you pretty,"

" I am not that bad," Grace pouted taking a sip of her drink.

She was starting to feel the effects of it and was beginning to feel more comfortable.

" Can you take my picture?" Grace asked, handing Prie her phone.

Prie nodded, taking a few photos. " Period cause this one is the one!" She exclaimed showing her the picture. " Post that right now,"

" Okay okay," Grace giggled posting the photo to Instagram

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" Okay okay," Grace giggled posting the photo to Instagram.

She just happened to glance up from her phone seeing a man staring at her from a few feet away with his friends. He smiled charmingly at her, nodding hello.

" Bitch hes cuteeee," Jacob whispered in her ear. " If you don't jump on that I will,"

Grace laughed pushing him playfully. " Shut up!"

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