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Whew y'all, don't hate me after this chapter 😭 i had three endings to this chapter in mind and i couldn't decide. I hate being a libra


Unique sat on his front porch watching his son run around and play with their dog as he smoked a black and mild. Periodically, he'd glance down at his flip phone checking to see if he had missed any calls or messages from Slug. It had been a day since he heard from him and the last time they talked he was sounding real jittery on the phone.

Unique was hoping he didn't run off on his job because then he'd have to do something to him and he liked Slug. Taking a puff from his black, Unique leaned back in the porch chair watching the mail man drop a package off at their gate.

" Junior! Go grab that box, it's probably for yo mama!" He yelled at his son. " Always buyin some shit," He muttered under his breath, spitting on the porch.

Uniques seven year old son struggled carrying the heavy box up the stairs. He held the door open for him so he could carry the box inside with both hands.

" Yo Tiff!" Unique called to his child's mother. " Tiffany!"

" What Unique!" She yelled, coming outside with rollers in her hair and a phone pressed between her ear and shoulder. " I am on the damn phone,"

" The fuck you ordered? Stop spending my money,"

Tiffany rolled her eyes. " I'll spend what I want," She said sassily before going back in the house.

Unique licked over his bottom lip watching her walk away before focusing his attention back to his son in the yard. Suddenly, Tiffany screamed bloody murder from inside the house making Unique quickly jump up and fling the screen door open.

She stood in the kitchen in front of the open box screaming and waving her hands and pointing at the box. Unique jogged over and looked in the box, instantly feeling sick.

It was Slugs pale, decapitated head— gift wrapped with a bow.

Unique clenched his jaw staring at the sight as Tiffany hugged onto him crying. Their son came running in right after trying to figure out what the commotion was about.

" Go upstairs Ju!" Unique said sternly, stopping his child in his tracks and turning him around.

Now Unique knew why Slug wasn't responding, he was dead. Unique wasn't so upset at the fact Slug was dead, niggas die everyday it came with living that type of life— but they sent his head to his home.

They sent his head to where his woman and his child live for them to see and that was the upmost disrespect. It was like an unspoken threat against his family.

" Aye where my daughta at?" Joseph asked, watching Grace walk out of the bathroom tying her black satin robe around her body, flicking off the light.

She raised a brow staring at him. " What?" She asked with a laugh.

Grace walked over to the big floor to ceiling windows in their room and pulled the grey curtains back.

" Where my daughta at? I keep nuttin in you and aint nothin happenin, what's not clickin,"

Grace curled her lip up before letting out a little laugh. Joseph grabbed her by her waist pulling her down onto his lap.

" Na for real though, I thought we was tryin for real now. Why it's takin so long,"

Grace poked her bottom lip out shrugging. It had been five months since their miscarriage and she was still sensitive to the topic. Joseph hugged onto her, placing his head on her breasts rocking them back and forth.

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