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" Why are you being weird to me," Grace said with a frown while on FaceTime with Prie.

She'd barely seen her sister in a week and that was super unlike them. They were practically inseparable.

" Girl hush ain't nobody being weird to you," Prie said while doing her hair.

" Why won't you hang out with me then, what's your problem," Grace pressed, folding her arms.

" I told you I haven't been feeling good. I think I got alcohol poisoning from when we went out last time. I'm done drinking,"

" Are you and Dre doing anything tonight?" Grace asked, twirling a strand of hair between her fingers.

Today was Valentine's Day.

" We gone go to dinner later, I don't really feel like doing anything,"

Grace furrowed her brows. " Are you sure you're okay?"

" Grace ask me one more time imma hang up on you," Prie laughed pointing her hair brush at the camera.

Grace flopped down onto her couch with her legs propped up on the arm of it.

" What about you, what you got planned tonight?" Prie asked.

" Nothing," Grace shrugged.

" You and Joseph aren't doing anything?"

Grace shook her head.

" You really still on that with him," Prie laughed somewhat shocked. " You do not be playin with that man,"

" Because Prie he just plays too many games for me and I'd rather just be friends instead of continuing to hurt my own feelings,"

Prie scoffed. " Yall still fuckin?"

" No!" Grace shouted laughing.

" I don't think I believe you,"

" We're not," Grace mumbled.

Though she really missed Joseph's touch she had to stay strong and stick to her word. She'd just been getting more friendly with the vibrator Prie bought her instead and pretending it was him even though it wasn't near enough.

She didn't even know if they made vibrators that big.

" Hold on, Dre calling me,"

Grace nodded watching the call disconnect. Tossing her phone onto the couch she grabbed the remote off the coffee table and turned the tv on. As busy as Grace was you'd think she appreciated her off days but in reality she hated them because she didn't know what to do with herself.

A knock at the door caught her attention. Furrowing her brows she got up to answer it wondering who it was because she knew it wasn't Joseph. She'd talked to him earlier in the morning and he told her he was busy handling business.

" Hi.." Grace said seeing a man holding a bouquet of roses and a gift bag. " Oh my goodness,"

They couldn't have been from no one other than Joseph.

" Grace Jones?" The delivery man asked.

" I'm she,"

" Delivery for you, could you sign here?" He asked, handing her a clip board.

She quickly signed taking the flowers and bag from him and closing the door. Her cheeks flushed with warmth as she walked to the kitchen admiring the humongous bouquet. This definitely wasn't no bouquet from the grocery store. Grace didn't even think she had enough vases for all of these flowers, she was going to have to fill up the sink and leave them in there.

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