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" You did your thing again Ms. Candy, this is amazing," Grace smiled at the turn out for the rebranding of the Ferguson Towers.

Today was the reopening of the property since Joseph had taken over and once again the whole community had come out to support, partly because that housing project was such a huge staple in the community. Grace tucked her hands into her baby pink Moncler coat as she watched kids play on the newly installed playground.

" Thank you baby but your man is the real star. All these people are here because they love Joseph and have practically watched him grow up out here like I have," She's said looking over at Grace with a smile.

East Harlem was like a community in its own, tight-nit. Everyone knew everyone, especially Joseph. When he wasn't ripping and running through the streets causing trouble he was running up and down the courts putting on for his community. At one point he was Harlem's shining star, everyone just knew he was going to make it big someday.

Aside from his athletic talents they knew him as Max's boy. Max's name itself held weight in those streets back in the day for the fear and control he had over Harlem and his notoriety wasn't the good kind. Black Mafia was the most prominent gang back then. You could find one of their soldiers slanging rock on every corner. There were no outside crews in Harlem.

Black Mafia didn't always have a negative stigma. Aside from moving weight when it was first founded by Rich the gang served as protection for Harlem against the racist NYPD back in the day. Rich founded Black Mafia off three principles— family, loyalty, and trust. Black Mafia was a brotherhood that he established with his two brothers, his two best friends and everyone that joined was treated as such. But as Black Mafia began to expand and reach new heights finical wise through their drug business, Max's greed fevered. After he took over, his rein of terror began.

" Can I get everyone attent-," Joseph paused tapping the microphone with his index finger to make sure it was on.

" Talk into the mic baby!" Ms. Candy shouted making Grace chuckle.

" Y'all hear me?" He asked.

The crowd of people all said yes in unison nodding their heads as everyone directed their attention to him.

" I just wanna take the time to thank every single one of y'all for comin out and supporting me today and showing love. A lot of y'all done watched me grow up here and it's a blessing to be able to do this. You not really up if you can't give back to your people and my main goal with the towers is to make them affordable and safe again and give them back to the community,"

Grace smiled proudly watching Joseph speak from where she stood in the crowd with Ms. Candy.

" I wanna wish all y'all happy holidays I think there go Santa right there for the kids," He said just as a U-Haul truck pulled up parking on the curb. All of the kids immediately swarmed the truck as a black man dressed as Santa hopped out. People that had volunteered to help with the event opened the back of the truck and began unloading toys and bikes for all the kids.

" Is that Coach Buck?" Grace asked with a giggle recognizing his cheeky smile as he passed toys out and posed for pictures.

" Yes it is, he does this every year," Ms. Candy confirmed.

" He been doing this shit since I was a kid," Joseph chuckled from behind Grace. She felt him wrap one of his long arms around her neck, pulling her into his body. Grace smiled looking up over her shoulder at him.

" You ready?" He asked, kissing the side of her face.

After the event they'd planned to go to Emily's house for family dinner. Now that Grace was an adult, Antonio was going with his father this Christmas and Prie had her own family now, her and Nia had planned a tropical getaway this holiday until New Years but still wanted to get together with the family before they left.

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