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Joseph stared at the high rise building the address Tre had sent him last night brought him to. Ironically, it was only a few blocks from where Grace and Joseph lived. Due to it being winter time the sun was beginning to set already and it wasn't even 7pm yet which Joseph was grateful for so he didn't have to come up with some lie as to why he was out in the middle of the night instead of being in bed.

Unique had been on Josephs mind all night like a broken record on repeat— thinking about what Joseph was going to do to him and how he was going to do it. Joseph had so much anger and animosity built up inside him he was practically foaming at the mouth to get his hands on Unique. No one had ever been able to play with Joseph the way Unique has. Anyone that dare played with Joseph in the past usually only got twenty-four hours to live after it before he caught up to them. It had been like a long game of cat and mouse for the past year and he couldn't wait to get his hands on him.

Though Joseph had changed drastically from the unemotional and detached man he'd used to be, killing still gave him a thrill. It was like a high no drug could provide and he was going to especially savor this one for all that Unique had done.

Grabbing the fake tool bag from the passenger seat and putting a surgical mask over his face, he got out of his car and made his way across the street to the high rise. Before entering, he pulled the hood of the black hoodie that read 'Tool Box handy services' across it over his head. Unfortunately, there was only one way in and one way out of the building so he had to cover up as much as he could.

Keeping his head low he headed straight for the elevators and pressed the button.

" Can I help you?"

Joseph looked over his shoulder at the concierge who looked at him with a raised brow.

" You need a key to get upstairs," The concierge said coming around the desk.

" I'm here to make a repair on one of the units," Joseph said, holding up the tool bag.

The concierge eyed him suspiciously. " I wasn't told that any repairs were being done today,"

" It was a last minute emergency call, are you going to let me up or no?"

" I will have to call the unit for confirmation,"

Joseph clenched his jaw under his mask. " How long is that gone take? I have other repairs to make after this one and I'd like to be home by the time my wife sets the table," He urged.

The concierge stared at Joseph before sighing and swiping his key card, letting Joseph onto the elevator. Pressing the ninth floor button, he slipped his hands into a pair of black leather gloves and got off on the floor, looking at the wall plaque by the elevator with everyone's name on it before finding Uniques unit. Knocking on the door, he stepped to the side out of the way of the view of the peep hole and waited for a response. After not receiving one, he looked around before opening his tool bag, taking out tools to pick the lock.

Successfully picking the lock, he slowly pushed the door open listening to make sure no one was inside. Joseph closed the door and locked it behind himself and began walking around the dark condo quietly, his heavy black timbs making tapping sounds as he walked carefully on the hardwood floor. After clearing the condo, he set his bag onto the kitchen island and pulled a gun and a silencer out, securing it onto the threaded barrel and waited.

A short time later, the sound of the front door unlocking caught his attention followed by the sound of a woman's voice.

" You can watch TV after you get your butt in the tub," Tiffany, Uniques sons mother said as she locked the door behind them.

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