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" You still here," Dre smacked his lips opening his front door seeing Grace on the couch holding a sleeping Kash.

" Shh," Grace shushed him looking down at her nephew.

After dancing and laughing all night long at the baby shower, Kash was ready to make his entrance into the world only a couple hours later. Grace had been at Prie and Dre's house everyday for the past four days since he came home. It was like love at first sight for Grace, she was obsessed with her nephew.

She was also being a big help letting Prie get rest and recover while Dre and Joseph handled business with the development of their club.

" I just got him to go to sleep," She said quietly, carefully getting up from the couch to hand him to Dre. " Prie is sleeping too,"

Dre nodded taking his son. He was still getting used to holding Kash. It was scary at first because of how small he was.

" You finna leave?" Dre asked.

Grace nodded slipping her Gucci slides on. " Joseph needs attention too," She laughed.

" Ight love you lil sis,"

" Love you too," She said, closing the door behind her.

Grace scrunched up her face feeling the intense cramping in her lower back as she waited for the elevator to open to her condo.

" Bae?" Joseph called, excited to hear Grace finally come home.

" Yes," She called back tiredly, kicking her slides off by the door.

Between helping with the baby and Joseph working on getting the club opened they hadn't had much time to spend together the last week. Joseph grinned seeing Grace come in the room. He was in his briefs sitting up against the headboard with his legs crossed and the remote in his hand.

" Why are you smiling like that goofy goober," She laughed coming over to his side of the bed and giving him a kiss.

" Cause I missed you damn, I can't miss you?" He mumbled against her lips in between kisses.

" You can,"

" You been spending all your time with another nigga, got me at home alone,"

" Get used to it buddy," She joked. " You have to share me now,"

" I ain't sharin you wit nobody, you MY woman," He said pulling her on top of him.

He began thrusting and bouncing her around on his lap with a smirk.

" Stop," She laughed, placing both her hands on his chest to steady herself.

" Aint no stop, we ain't fucked in four days,"

" I don't feel good, I started my period,"

He smacked his lips. " Period ain't stopped none before, go get a towel,"

" I'm being for real Joseph," She laughed in a whiny voice. " Im cramping really bad,"

He studied her face and could tell she was serious. He nodded and poked his lips out.

" It's okay, give me a kiss,"

She bent down and kissed him and laid her head on his shoulder. " I feel so drained, baby's are a lot of work,"

He rubbed his fingers through her hair.

" I'm already knowin, that little nigga can cry," Joseph chuckled. " I told you you was gone be a good auntie though,"

Joseph had come to the hospital with Grace the first night Kash was born. Him and Dre ended up getting cursed out by Prie for trying to put their chains on Kash and take pictures of him at only two hours old.

Grace sat up, still straddling Joseph.

" Can you rub my back when I get out of the shower?" Grace asked poking her bottom lip out.

Joseph nodded placing an arm behind his head as he watched tv. After showering and getting ready for bed, Joseph rubbed Grace's back until they both fell asleep.

The pain of Grace's cramping woke her up as they had intensified. Her eyes fluttered open as she scrunched her face up, curling into the fetal position to try and curve the pain.

Feeling a sudden rush and release into her pad, she dragged herself out of bed to change it. Barely awake and squinting as her eyes adjusted to the bright light, she held onto the counter with one hand and pulled her shorts down with the other.

Just as Grace went to sit on the toilet she heard a splashing sound like water being dropped on the floor. Puzzled, she looked down seeing a big puddle of blood under her and in the center, a large blood clot just shy of the size of the palm of her hand.

Grace instantly began to feel dizzy as more blood started trickling down her leg.

" Babe!" She yelled feeling her heart rate begin to pick up as anxiety set in.

The lower half of her body began feeling cold before she doubled over passing out against the bathroom floor. The thud of her body hitting the tile woke Joseph up. Confused, he sat up listening in the dark.

" Grace," He called staring at the light under the bathroom door.

When she didn't respond back he quickly threw the covers off and made his way to the bathroom door in the dark flinging it open. Grace laid unconscious on the floor with her shorts down around her ankles covered in blood.

Joseph instantly snatched her up off the ground and started shaking her.

" Grace!" He yelled looking around confused. " Bae what the fuck!"

Her eyes slowly began to flutter open as small tears rolled out of the corner of them down her face. She was in so much pain she could barely speak.

Sitting her up against the bath he quickly ran for his phone and called 911.

" S'cuse me can you tell me what's goin on yet?" Joseph asked a nurse at the nurses station impatiently.

" I'm sorry sir but she's still in surgery I promise we will let you know as soon as she's out," The nurse said empathetically.

She could see the concern all over Joseph's face. He hadn't been able to sit down since she was brought in via ambulance an hour ago. Joseph gritted his teeth to keep from spazzing out as he rubbed at his face roughly.

It wasn't the nurses fault she couldn't tell him anything and he definitely didn't want to cause a scene and get himself removed from the hospital.

" Joseph come sit down," Prie yawned from her seat in the waiting area.

Prie was the first person Joseph called after the ambulance picked Grace up. She left Kash with Dre and came straight to the hospital.

" I don't know what happened," He mumbled to himself sitting down next to her.

Joseph rubbed his clammy hands together anxiously.

" She said she wasn't feeling good but she said it was just because of her period,"

Prie rubbed his back fighting to keep her eyes open. One hour had turned into two, and two had turned into three. The sun was just starting to peek up from the horizon and light up the sky.

" I'm finna find a vending machine," Joseph said standing up and walking out of the emergency department.

His thoughts were beginning to drive him crazy and he couldn't sit there any longer. Settling on a bag of cheese Sun Chips and a red Gatorade since there was nothing better, he made his way back to the emergency room where Prie was up talking with a doctor.

The anxious feeling he's just walked around for fifteen minutes to get rid of instantly resurfaced.

" What going on?" Joseph demanded.

The doctor switched his attention from Prie to Joseph.

" Are you the father?" He asked.

Joseph furrowed his brows looking at Prie who held sympathetic look, chewing on the inside of her cheek nervously.

" The father?" He repeated.

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