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" If she asks how he died tell her it was the crash," Dre said sternly to Prie.

Prie nodded, as her, Dre, and his friends all sat in the emergency room of St. Ivys hospital downtown. There was an uncomfortable eerie silence that filled the waiting room, everyone trapped in their own thoughts, mind racing so much that they can't even form sentences.

Prie rubbed her clammy hands together nervously glancing at Dre from time to time who held the same unemotional gaze staring at the tiled floor. Dre was normally so goofy and talkative it was strange to see him so quiet and solemn. He hadn't shed a single tear, and that worried Prie having lost someone so close to him..

" I'm finna go smoke," Dre said standing up and pulling a black out of his coat pocket.

" Do you want me to come with you?" Prie looked up.

" Na, I'm good,"

Prie nodded slowly.

Grace walked as quickly as her feet could carry her through the halls to the emergency room. She'd only been home for an hour after leaving the club before receiving the call. Quickly throwing on a Juicy Couture sweat suit and a pair of Ugg's, she raced to the hospital. She wiped under her eyes trying to keep herself composed to find out what happened.

As far as she knew, Joseph had gotten into a bad accident and that was all she was told. She felt physically ill, shaken up, and disturbed by just how quickly life could change. What was bothering her the most was their last conversation, the way she spoke to him, how she left him standing there alone and the look on his face.

She wished she wasn't so mean and she heard him out, that she gave him a hug and she forgave him. Joseph meant more to Grace than he knew, and she would never be able to forgive herself if that were to be their last conversation.

Pushing through the double doors she looked around spotting familiar faces. Grace finally broke down seeing Prie not realizing how much she was holding in. Prie quickly embraced her sister in a hug, squeezing her tight.

" What happened Prie, please tell me he's okay," Grace asked frantically.

Prie nodded with a half heartfelt smile.

" He's okay, but Vito didn't make it,"

Grace instantly felt nauseous looking around at all his friends in the waiting room. Her heart felt for them.

" He's down the hall to the left, we just talked to him,"

Grace nodded wiping her face with her sleeve as she headed towards his room. Nervous of what she might find, she slowly pushed the door open. Joseph sat upright in the hospital bed with his arm in a sling and wrap around his head.

" Joseph," Grace said softly, as a feeling of relief came over her.

She rushed over to him hugging him tightly taking him slightly by surprise. Little did she know, she was the only thing he could think about. He needed her comfort now more than anything.

" You scared me," She said with a chuckle into his chest as a few tears rolled down her nose.

" Why was you scared?"

She sat up wiping her face. Her eyes were puffy and her nose was red.

" I thought I lost you," She said quietly looking at him. " What happened?"

Deciding against telling her the truth he just shook his head. " I don't know, Vito was driving my truck and we just crashed,"

" Are you okay?" Grace asked looking at his arm.

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